Category Archives: Travel Gear

The Best Travel Insurance Companies for Backpackers

A budget backpacker sitting on a mountain looking into the distance
Posted: 6/16/2019 | June 17th, 2019

I’m a backpacker at heart. Even after traveling the world for over a decade, I still love to travel cheap, prioritizing experiences over fancy accommodation and transportation. I still love staying at hostels, meeting locals, and sampling as many local delicacies as I can.

Contrary to popular belief, being a backpacker is not about pinching every penny — it’s about finding value. If you want to have a genuine and authentic trip without breaking the bank you need to spend your money wisely.

And when it comes to backpacking around the world, one of the wisest choices you can make is to purchase travel insurance.

I know, travel insurance seems like just another expense that will chip away at your budget. I used to think that too.

But it also has the potential to save you thousands of dollars should something go wrong on your trip.

And after traveling around the world for the past 10 years, I can confidently tell you this: things will go wrong.

To help you stay safe on your next trip, here is everything you need to know about buying insurance as a backpacker.

Why Do Backpackers Need Insurance?

The reason you need to buy travel insurance is because accidents happen. Regardless of whether you’re at home or abroad, things go wrong. At home, you likely have access to medical care and reliable medical facilities.

On the road, that isn’t always the case.

While serious injuries are rare, they do happen. And it’s always better to be safe than sorry. But insurance isn’t just for medical emergencies. It also covers a lot of incidents that are much more common than you think!

Here’s a quick overview of what you can expect your backpacker insurance to cover:

  • Medical emergencies (surgery hospitalization fees, medical evacuation)
  • Flight delays and cancellations
  • Trip cancellations (due to injury or a death in the family)
  • Emergency evacuation (due to injury or natural disaster)
  • Dental emergencies
  • Lost or stolen baggage
  • Damaged or stolen gear
  • Death overseas

While it’s unpleasant to spend time dwelling on these things, the truth is, you need to be prepared for the worst. Hopefully, you’ll never need to use your insurance plan, but if you need to, you want to make sure you have the coverage you need.

I’ve had my bags stolen, I’ve needed to go to the hospital overseas, and I was even stabbed while traveling in South America.

I didn’t plan for any of these things to happen, but when they did, I was glad I had insurance to help me get reimbursed as well as to help me navigate the confusion that comes with having an emergency abroad.

I know, as a backpacker you like to keep costs low. Insurance isn’t free, after all, which makes it seem like a burdensome and unnecessary expense.

But it’s much better to pay a few bucks a day than risk losing your life savings should an emergency occur while you don’t have coverage.

What Does Travel Insurance NOT Cover?

While most travel emergencies and injuries are covered by travel insurance, it’s important to know what is not covered by your plan. Knowledge is power, after all.
For reference, most backpacker insurance policies do not cover:

  • Accidents sustained while participating in extreme adventure activities. These often include hang-gliding, paragliding, or bungee jumping.
  • Alcohol- and drug-related incidents.
  • Carelessness or negligence.
  • Pre-existing conditions or general check-ups.
  • Stolen cash (unless you pay for a more comprehensive plan)
  • If civil unrest makes your destination unsafe but your government hasn’t called for an evacuation, you probably won’t qualify for evacuation (unless you have more advanced coverage from a company like Medjet).
  • Changing your mind about your trip or unfriending or breaking up with your travel partner will disqualify you from trip-cancellation coverage.
  • Pre-existing medical conditions don’t qualify for most trip cancellation plans unless otherwise stipulated.
  • If your visa to a destination is refused you won’t be reimbursed if you decide to cancel your trip.

The Best 3 Backpacker Insurance Companies

To help you stay safe on your next trip, here are some suggested companies that provide affordable insurance for backpackers:

1. STA Travel Insurance
STA is an online travel agency that is known for their flights and travel packages — but they offer affordable travel insurance too for students as well.

STA sells basic, budget-friendly coverage for students and teachers who travel, with plans starting as low as $99 USD for 1 year. If you’re a student and a budget backpacker who is only looking for the most basic of coverage, STA is the company for you.

Here’s a quick overview of STA Travel Insurance:

  • Budget-friendly plans
  • ISIC card benefits in over 125,000 locations
  • Basic coverage options
  • Great for students/shoestring backpackers.

Click here to get a quote from STA.

2. Insure My Trip
Insure My Trip helps you compare insurance plans and prices so you can purchase the plan that’s best for you and your budget. You can compare plans from almost 30 different insurance providers, with plenty of budget-friendly options available for backpackers.

And they are the go-to company for older backpackers as well since many travel insurance companies won’t cover travelers over 65. Insure My Trip provides comparisons from insurance companies that cover older travelers, making them the best option for retirees and other senior adventurers.

Here’s a quick overview of Insure My Trip:

  • Guaranteed low prices
  • Coverage for senior travelers over 65
  • “Anytime advocates” ask the insurer to give your claim a second look if you think it was unfairly denied.

Click here to get a quote from Insure My Trip

OUR TOP PICK: World Nomads Travel Insurance
World Nomads is the absolute best insurance company for budget travelers. I’ve been using them for over a decae and have never been disappointed with their customer service or coverage. Their plans are comprehensive and great for both long-term travelers as well as anyone heading out on a shorter vacation. It’s easy to read (and understand) their policies and see what’s covered — and what isn’t.
Best of all, if you want to learn more before you purchase or have questions after you sign up, their customer support is there to help.

World Nomads is perfect for adventurous backpackers who plan to do activities like hiking, kayaking, or even some extreme sports like bungee jumping or rock climbing. With 100 different activities covered, World Nomads is the best choice for the active backpacker.

To help you learn more about World Nomads, here’s a quick overview of their coverage:

  • Emergency medical and dental coverage
  • Coverage for trip cancelations, delays, and interruptions
  • Baggage protection
  • Emergency evacuation (for medical emergencies and non-medical emergencies such as natural disasters)
  • Medical transportation
  • 24/7 customer assistance

World Nomads was founded by backpackers so they know exactly what the budget traveler needs in their plan. This is my go-to insurance company and one I’ve been using for years. If it sounds like the company for you, you can use the widget below to get a quote:

(Want to learn more? Check out my comprehensive World Nomads review!)


After backpacking around the world for over a decade, I never leave home without travel insurance. I’ve experienced first-hand how helpful it can be. It’s saved me thousands of dollars over the years — as well as countless headaches too.

Not only that, but buying travel insurance provides peace of mind. It gives you and your family a safety net in case things go wrong. Whether you’re island-hopping in Thailand or getting off the beaten path in Eastern Europe, travel insurance will be there when you need it.

Being a backpacker is all about having amazing, memorable travel experiences all without breaking the bank. And there’s no better way to insulate yourself from expensive (and unnecessary) costs than by buying travel insurance.

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the best companies to save money with?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and that will save you time and money too!

The post The Best Travel Insurance Companies for Backpackers appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

Is Travel Insurance Worth It?

A man sitting alone on a busy airplane mid flight
Posted: 05/18/2019 | May 18th, 2019

Travel insurance is probably the most boring topic to discuss when it comes to planning a trip. Dreaming up the perfect itinerary, finding cheap flights, buying gear — all of these things all much more glamorous!

For that reason, many budget travelers actually skip buying travel insurance. Unlike a flight, a travel backpack, or applying for a visa, travel insurance just doesn’t seem necessary.

And since it’s not always cheap, travel insurance is often tempting to jettison.

I mean, how often does something terrible happen when you travel?

Not often, right?

But that doesn’t mean it won’t happen.

Sure, over the years, I’ve rarely had to rely on travel insurance.

But I have still had to use it from time to time — including recently when I was stabbed in Colombia. Remember: you’re fine until you aren’t, which is why you get travel insurance!

Yes, for most trips you won’t need your travel insurance. You’ll buy it, save the details in your inbox, and never look at it again.

But a time might come when you need it.

And if you don’t have it, things can get expensive fast.

I was thankful for having travel insurance when I needed to see a doctor in Argentina, when my camera broke in Italy, when my eardrum popped in Thailand, and when my luggage was stolen in South Africa.

It’s much better to be safe than sorry.

In this post, I’ll show you everything you need to know to help you make an informed decision about your travel insurance plan and whether or not travel insurance is a worthwhile purchase for your next trip.


What Does Travel Insurance Cover?

To illustrate why travel insurance is worth purchasing, here’s a quick list of what the best travel insurance plans will cover (for most countries):

  • Medical emergencies, sudden illnesses, and injuries
  • Emergencies, strife in your destination, etc., that cause you to head home early
  • Emergency evacuation
  • Resultant cancellations, such as hotel bookings, flights, and other transportation bookings, if you have a sudden illness, death in the family, or some other emergency
  • Lost, damaged, or stolen possessions, like jewelry, baggage, documents, cameras, etc. (Also, there is some coverage for your electronics, and often an option for a higher coverage limit.)
  • Twenty-four-hour emergency services and assistance (you don’t want to call to be told to call back later)
  • Financial protection if any company you are using goes bankrupt and you are stuck in another country.

Yes, robberies and natural disasters are rare. But things like canceled flights, minor illnesses, and petty theft do happen often.

With a comprehensive travel insurance plan, you’ll be covered.

The Best Travel Insurance Companies for Travelers

My favorite travel insurance company is World Nomads, founded by an ex-nomad, so he understands what it’s like being a traveler. I’ve been using them since I started traveling all the way back in 2003. They are reputable and reliable, and they process their claims quickly.

With World Nomads, you can purchase and renew your policy online in a matter of minutes, and they have friendly and responsive staff who will answer your questions promptly. They can also help solve problems via social media.

Most importantly, they provide a lot of coverage at a fair price. If there’s one company I would recommend, it’s this one. It’s also endorsed by Lonely Planet and National Geographic, which just goes to show you how great it is!

You can use the widget below to get a quote (or just click here to go to their website directly):

(Want to learn more? Check out my comprehensive World Nomads review!)

Here is a list of other travel insurance companies I like a lot too – and why I like them!

  • Best high-end electronics coverage.
  • Affordable deductables.
  • Up to 5 million in coverage.
  • Available inside and outside of the USA.
  • Best for people living overseas.
  • The closest thing to normal health insurance.
  • Available for non-US residents.
  • 25 different places to choose from.
  • Short-term and annual plans.
  • Extensive medical transport coverage.
  • Available for residents of USA, Canada, and Mexico
  • Limited time spent in foreign medical facilities.
  • Affordable plans.
  • Basic coverage options.
  • Great for students/shoestring backpackers.
  • Applicable accounts include a free student discount card.
  • Compare plans from 28 providers.
  • Best company for over 65.
  • “Anytime advocates” ask insurer to give your claim a second look if you think it was unfairly denied.
  • Guaranteed low prices.


How to Decide if Travel Insurance is for You

If you’re not sure if travel insurance is the best choice for you, here are some questions to ask yourself:

Do you have a lot of money saved up for emergencies?
If you have thousands of dollars lying around to cover you in case you get injured or delayed, or need to be evacuated (emergency evacuation can cost tens of thousands of dollars), or in case your items get lost or stolen, then maybe travel insurance isn’t necessary for you.

Are you traveling somewhere with expensive medical coverage?
Sure, a quick hospital visit in a budget-friendly country might not cost a lot. But in many countries, medical emergencies can cost hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars (especially if you need comprehensive care, emergency surgery, or evacuation).

Do you have a lot of money invested in your trip?
While none of us ever plan to have a trip canceled, the fact of the matter is that emergencies and surprises do happen (such as an illness, a death in the family, and work conflicts). Unless you’re comfortable losing out on that money, travel insurance might be a worthwhile purchase.

At the end of the day, unless you’ve got tons of extra cash just laying around that you can spend on emergencies, travel insurance is likely worth the money.

I know it’s not cheap (especially if you’re a budget traveler), but at the end of the day, it will be much, much cheaper than paying for an emergency — and I say that from personal experience!

Why Buying Travel Insurance is a Must

Can you say no one will steal your stuff while you’re backpacking Europe or that you won’t pop an eardrum diving in Thailand? Can you say your flights won’t get delayed or canceled?

No, you never really can.

And that’s why smart travelers get insurance.

Because, for just a couple dollars a day, you’ll have all those eventualities covered.

I hope nothing bad happens to you on the road, but if it does, travel insurance will be there to help. It’s more than just health coverage — it’s “something bad happened to me” coverage.

Yes, it’s an extra expense. But if something goes wrong you’ll not only save hundreds — if not thousands — of dollars but you’ll have peace of mind, knowing that you’re properly covered.

So, be a smart traveler. Buy travel insurance!

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the best companies to save money with?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and that will save you time and money too!

The post Is Travel Insurance Worth It? appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

TravelCon Update: Why You Should Be in the Room Where it Happens

TravelCon 2019 updates in Boston
Posted: 4/29/2019 | April 29th, 2019

TravelCon is now only TWO months away!

We only have 130 tickets left and, when we sell out, that’s it.

This is going to the biggest travel media event of the year and the only one that focuses on all sides of the industry: traditional writing, blogging, YouTube, Instagram, and photography.

If you’ve been thinking of getting into the travel industry, don’t wait much longer! We expect to sell out again.

Here’s a recap of last year’s event:

So how will TravelCon help you?

Think of the millions of blogs, Instagram accounts, vlogs, and freelance writers out there.

How do you stand out among them all?

How do you become more than just another email in someone’s inbox?

By becoming a face.

What gets lost in this age of online hyper-connectedness is that old-fashioned face-to-face networking wins. When people know you personally, they are more willing to work with you. When they’ve talked to you and shared a beer with you, they WILL open your email.

Because you are no longer just another random stranger on the Internet.

You’re a cool – and REAL- person.

Someone they want to work with.

For example, last year, one of our attendees struck up a conversation with a rep from Czech Tourism – and ended up producing an ad campaign for them:

(Great video, huh?)

That’s the power of in-person events.

It allows you to talk in a way online pitching and communication can’t.

You’re only as successful as your network — and that network isn’t strongest from real life connections.

And, if you’re worried, you’re too beginner, an attendee came last year knew she wanted to do something in the travel industry. Well, now she is running a successful tour company based on what she learned! All within less than a year.

Travelcon 2018 testimonial


This event is going to be bigger and better than last year’s, and with only two months left to go, there’s not much time to get your ticket and make your plans. Over the last few weeks, TravelCon preparation has kicked into high gear:

1. We released our initial schedule. (There’s still a few more talks and speakers on their way.)

2. We signed our Friday night band! (I’m going to keep it a secret, but they were featured in an Apple ad!)

3. And, finally, we signed on more sponsors (with more on the way), including:

AdThrive is the leading ad monetization platform for high-quality, mid-sized digital publishers, empowering content creators to make a living doing what they love while the company manages the advertising for them.

BucketList.Club is a startup aiming to help its members accomplish more of their bucket list goals by introducing them to influencers and businesses with relevant experiences and offerings. We developed a business model and features that help Influencers promote their content and identify commercial opportunities, all while they inspire others with their content.

ConvertKit are creators who help creators earn a living online. They have the best email marketing software on the web. Their features are built by bloggers for bloggers to help online businesses grow their biggest asset: their email list.

Exercore LLC
Our flagship product called the Eustachi is a first to market product designed to help anyone suffering from clogged ears by exercising their Eustachian tubes. The Eustachi helps by INSTANTLY clearing stuffy ears, anytime & anywhere using just a little air. The Eustachi is a must have for the traveler who suffers from ear problems.

Fat Tire Tours
Fat Tire Tours was established in 1999 with the goal of being a bridge between the English-speaking traveler and some of the best cities in Europe. Today, with locations in 12 cities across Europe and the US, the company’s mission is to provide safe, fun, and unforgettable experiences through superior customer service that creates memories and smiles that last a lifetime.

Memphis Tourism
Where in world can you visit the home of the king of rock n’ roll, bike across the Mississippi River and pay your respects at the site of Civil Rights history– only in Memphis. But the home of Blues, Soul and Rock ‘n’ Roll is so much more. Memphis’s unexpected combinations create one-of-a-kind experiences.

Moon Travel Guides
Founded in 1973, Moon was one of the first advocates of independent travel. Our authors are experts who have a passion for their destinations—they are women and men who are politically and culturally minded, informative, adventurous, inspiring, and have great stories to tell. They experience activities and destinations the same way our readers do—firsthand—making it possible for Moon to deliver up-to-date, reliable, and entertaining information.

Historic and hip, charming and chic, Providence, Rhode Island combines the best of a quaint New England town with the amenities and sophistication of a larger city. The city’s downtown is compact and filled with innovative and eclectic restaurants, a vibrant arts and culture scene, and well-preserved architecture.

Here’s a full list of our current sponsors that will be at the event (with more to come):

We know that going to conferences can be scary. Will you meet people? Will you make friends? Will you learn enough to justify the cost?

That’s why we hold tons of networking events, host in-depth sessions with experts from the travel sphere (and other fields), and have some amazing brands and companies for you to meet and do business with.

The best connections I’ve made – and improvements to my blog – have always been the result of going to in-person events.

So come attend TravelCon in June.

Take your career to the next level — and make friends and connections that will last a lifetime.

Just click here to get your tickets today.

And, if you have any questions, leave them in the comments!

– Nomadic Matt

The post TravelCon Update: Why You Should Be in the Room Where it Happens appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

TravelCon 2019 Update: Final Speakers, First Sponsors

TravelCon 2019 updates in Boston
Posted: 3/5/2019 | March 5th, 2019

With less than four months to go, I wanted to give you another update on our upcoming travel industry conference, TravelCon.

With that in mind, let me tell you about some recent updates:

First, we finalized our speaker list (I mean I may add a few more in but this is as the final big announcement). With over 60 speakers, this event is going to be amazing and we’re going to cover a lot of incredible topics: SEO, monetization, video production, webinars, Instagram, photo editing, writing, livestreaming, FB ads, photography, marketing, self-publishing, time management, and so much more! I mean we have three FULL days of events, talks, panels, and networking!

Since we last spoke, we added the following speakers:

Bani Amor

Decolonizing Travel Culture

Brian Baldrati

Is This Real

Kash Bhattacharya

Budget Traveller

Travis Burke

Travis Burke Photography

Brian Clark


Joey Coleman

Author, Never Lose a
Customer Again

Tiffany Funk

One Mile at a Time

Pete & Dalene Heck

Hecktic Travels

Dani Heinrich

Globetrotter Girls

Joseph Hernandez


Raimee Iacofano

Nomadic Matt

Benny Lewis

Fluent in 3 Months

Michael Lisovetsky


Kaitlin McMichael

Getty Images

Dan & Audrey

Uncornered Market

Kamila Napora

Kami and the Rest
of the World

Troy Osinoff


Sherry Ott


Jadah Sellner


Sher She Goes

Mary Ann Thomas

Travel Writer

Erica Virvo

Nomadic Matt

Nicole Wears

Traveling Canucks

We only have 200 tickets left! We’re going to sell out this year so be sure to get your ticket soon. (Once we hit our cap, we do not go over it. I like to keep the experience small and intimate. I’m not ready to turn this event in a multi-thousand person expo.)

Additionally, I want to announce our first round of sponsors! While we have a lot more in the works, here are the first batch of brands you’re going to see at the event. They are going to be doing a lot of great things:

AWeber is an easy-to-use email marketing and automation software used by some of the best writers, photographers and content creators around the world, including Ann Handley, Stephen Kamb, and more.

Bluehost is a leading web solutions services provider. They power millions of websites, making them one of the largest and most trusted web hosting services. They are also one of our recommended hosting providers for our course. One of the best value companies out there!

Constant Contact
Constant Contact’s leading email and social media marketing tools personal coaching-help all types of small businesses and organizations create professional-looking email newsletters and social campaigns.

Intrepid Travel

Intrepid Travel is the world’s largest adventure travel company, operating amazing small group experiences in over 120 countries. They specialize in environmental and sustainable tours and are the perferred tour parter of this website!

Mediavine offers full service ad management including display ad optimization, video monetization and sponsored influencer marketing. They’re here to help content creators like yourself build sustainable businesses.

From lakes to forests and the majestic St. Lawrence River, Québec is a series of jaw-dropping scenery. With breathtaking land and cityscapes, it’s the genuine people and historic culture that really bring Québec to life: year-round festivals, scenic road trips and local flavors are just a few of Québec’s charms.

Singapore Airlines
Singapore Airlines is the flag carrier airline of Singapore. It is ranked as the world’s best airline, since 2018 and is one of my personal favorite carriers. They offer world class service, comfort, food, amazing entertainment, and state of the art seats.

TripAdvisor is the world’s largest travel site — helping travelers unleash the full potential of every trip with the latest reviews and the lowest hotel prices.

Unbound Merino
Unbound Merino offers the highest quality merino wool clothing. These clothes are light, tough, and long lasting. Pack light, save money & enjoy the comfort of our merino wool t-shirts, socks & underwear.

Visit Savannah
Savannah, Georgia is a charming Southern escape where art, period architecture, trendy boutiques and ghost stories are all set under a veil of Spanish moss. Savannah is a place where cuisine comes straight from the coast and cocktails are served at every meal.

Walks offers small group tours in cities around the world. Tours are offered throughout Italy, Paris, New York, and Turkey, where you’ll get exclusive access to behind the scenes areas that no one else gets to see. They are also offering a $200 voucher to all attendees! Take Walks….for free!


Tickets are just $399 until the end of March. With this ticket, you’ll have access to all keynotes, sessions, evening parties, networking events, recordings of all the sessions (so don’t worry if you miss anything), any included meals, and the most fun you’ll ever have at an event!

We only have 200 tickets left! We’re going to sell out this year so be sure to get your ticket today. You can get a refund up to 60 days before the event so don’t worry if you aren’t 100% sure of your plans. You can secure your spot without worry today!

This event is going to teach you the practical skills you need to grow your audience and make a career in travel.

So come and attend TravelCon, learn from the best in the industry, and meet other wonderful travel professionals.

See you in Boston!

– Matt

P.S. – If you’re looking to sponsor this year’s event, check out our sponsor page for more information.

The post TravelCon 2019 Update: Final Speakers, First Sponsors appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

UPDATES: New and EXPANDED Editions of Our Guidebooks!

a man and woman looking out at a lake in Canmore, Alberta
Posted: 1/9/2019 | January 9th, 2019

Happy 2019, my fellow travelers!

This is going to be a big year at Nomadic Matt HQ. I have some big personal news I’ll be sharing next week (no, I’m not getting married. Yet.) and big news about the direction of this website (I used the holidays to map out my vision for 2019) that I’ll also be sharing soon (hint: we’re going back to basics).

But, right now, I want to talk about our books.

As you all know, we offer detailed how-to guides to destinations around the world to help you plan your trip better.

They’re like a Lonely Planet or Rough Guide…but way better!

My guides are for those of you who want to break the mold and get off the well-trodden tourist path. They take what you love about this site and supercharge it. They include my favorite hostels, restaurants, and bars — spots you probably won’t find listed elsewhere!

We’re constantly expanding and improving the books so that you, the reader, can have the most up-to-date and robust information possible!

Last year, we put all our books on Kindle, solved our map issue, and added more family-friendly activities.

At the beginning of every year, we do a massive overhaul! Over the last couple of months, we have been updating these guides based on your feedback to our previous editions.

In addition to the normal updates of prices, practicalities, etc., we have also greatly expanded our books. These new editions include a bunch of new sections:

  • Interesting facts about each destination
  • Information about local cuisine (so you know what to try!)
  • Expanded transportation sections
  • A chart with the distances to/from nearby destinations
  • Tips on traveling as a senior
  • Tips on traveling if you’re disabled
  • Ways to stay safe and scams to look out for
  • Month-by-month guide listing great festivals and events to attend
  • Price guide so you get an idea of how much everything should cost

Additionally, you’ll find all sorts of other good stuff in each book:

  • Suggested budgets
  • In-depth ways to save money
  • Suggested itineraries (with maps)
  • What to do and see (with a focus on free, cheap, and off-beat attractions)
  • My favorite places to eat
  • My favorite places to sleep
  • Nightlife suggestions
  • Practicalities (business hours, tourist information centers, public holiday info, electricity, phones abroad, emergency and legal information, visa guidelines, LGBTQ travel tips, best times to visit, etc.)
  • Transportation maps
  • A history section
  • Book and movie suggestions related to the destination
  • Language sections

Below is a list of all our destination guidebooks (if you purchase a book as a PDF, you get the second one for an additional 50% off too):

NOTE: PDFs can be read on iPads and iPhones via the iBooks app if you get the PDF version.

Additionally, we’re now offering bundles of our books too:

  • The Asia Bundle – Get all our Asia guides PLUS our travel hacking guide for one low price! This bundle is only $50 $24.99!! That’s 50% off the original price!
  • The Europe Bundle – Get all our Europe guides PLUS our travel hacking guide for one low price! This bundle is only $60 $24.99!! That’s 60% off the original price!
  • Our Complete Collection – Get EVERY guide we sell for one low price! This bundle is only $120 $39.99!! That’s 66% off the original price!

The Ultimate Guide to Travel Hacking

Lastly, we just updated our book on travel hacking. If you’re looking to learn how to master points and miles in the new year and not pay for flights or accommodation, pick up our new edition. The price is $9.99 (regularly $29.99), and the new update includes:

  • New award charts (and other charts throughout the book)
  • Best new cards to get
  • Completely updated information on credit and credit scores
  • More tips on how to manufacture spending in 2019
  • Everything in the book has been updated (as you know this information changes quickly, so be sure to get this version to make sure you know how to travel hack the right way for 2019)

You can pick up this book and save money on flying for just $9.99!

(Note: If you already own a copy of this book, a new version is on its way to you! After all, you get updates for life when you purchase this book!)

So that’s it for today!

I’ll have more news and regular stories coming next but we worked hard on these books and I want to share our new beautiful babies with you!

If you have any questions, leave them in the comments!

– Matt

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the best companies to save money with?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and that will save you time and money too!

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