Category Archives: Travel Advice

27 Golden Rules For Becoming a Master Traveler

nomadic matt's golden rules of travel
Updated: 9/2/2019 | September 2nd, 2019

Every industry has its own “best practices” — proven rules and standards that guide the industry and the people in it. Travel is no different. There are many “rules to live by” that can help us navigate the unknown world with fewer mistakes.

I have my own golden travel rules.

Over the past ten years, I’ve learned a lot of tips and tricks that have helped me thrive when I travel. When I first set out in 2006, I made a lot of mistakes. (Ok, I still make some mistakes.)

And that’s not a bad thing. If you don’t make mistakes, you aren’t trying new things and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.

Mistakes are going to happen.

But, over the years, I’ve developed a list of 27 golden rules for travel. These guidelines help me save money, make friends, stay safe, and fit into the local culture.

If you follow them, you’ll become a master traveler, able to travel the world with swashbuckling zeal and expert ninja-like knowledge… all without breaking the bank so you can keep cutting a path forward through the world for longer:

1. Be adventurous – You only live once. You’re going to get chances to do wild things you’ve never dreamed of doing when you travel. Don’t hold back. Count to three, say “screw it,” and take the leap. You didn’t come this far for nothing. Say yes when someone asks you to go rock climbing, salsa dancing, spelunking, or try the world’s hottest pepper despite not liking spicy food.

There’s no one around to judge you. No one cares what you do. No rumors will be spread. Push yourself to do something new and daring at least one.

2. Get a no-fee ATM card – Why give your money to the banks? Get an ATM card that doesn’t charge any fees and use that extra money for more traveling. Over the long term those $2-5 charges really add up. I use Charles Schwab as my bank, but you can also find many others that offer no-fee accounts — or use a one that is part of the Global ATM Alliance, and pay no fees within that network.

This article can show you how to avoid bank fees when you travel (and will give you a list of suggested cards too).

3. Get a rewards credit card – Why pay for travel when you can get it for free? Use a travel rewards credit card to earn points and miles that can be redeemed for free travel.

You’re already spending the money anyway so why not get rewarded for it?

Travel credit cards come with tons of perks and huge bonuses that can be redeemed for free flights right away. Plus, they get you the best exchange rate on your purchases.

Having one is an absolute must.

Want to know how I get hundreds of thousands of points per year and fly for free? Sign up for my free primer on the art of travel hacking and I’ll show you.

4. Always carry backups – Always carry a backup bank and credit card in case one is lost, stolen, or hacked. That way while you are fixing the issue, you still have access to your money. Instead of the problem crippling your trip, it merely is an annoyance. This has happened to me before and, I can ensure you, you’ll be thankful you followed this advice!

5. Only carry what you need – When you leave to go out for the day, only care the cash you need and one credit card. You don’t want to get robbed and lose everything. Leave the backups and extra locked back at your hostel!

6. Join a frequent flier program – Get rewarded for all of those flights you’ll be taking by joining a frequent flier program. That way you’ll earn miles, perks for flying, and free flights. Miles are like money — and you wouldn’t waste money, would you? No! So, sign up for a loyalty program, and collect points. Even if it takes you years to get a free flight, at least you are not being wasteful!

7. Travel alone at least once – Few things are as liberating as solo travel. As a solo traveler, you’re free to do whatever you want. When you travel solo, the world is your oyster. You’re free to do whatever you want, whenever you want. To me, it’s the purest sense of freedom there is.

But beyond that sense of freedom, solo travel actually teaches you a lot about yourself. Travel is an amazing personal development tool after all, and solo travel is one of the best ways to learn and grow and challenge yourself.

Without anyone around you, you have to solve the problems you face on the road. You have to figure out how to get from point A to B, deal with people who speak a different language, get comfortable eating alone, find things to do, and work out problems that arise. It’s you and your wits. That forces you to grow in ways you won’t in the comfort of your home or with a group.

While it won’t be for everyone, I still encourage everyone to try solo travel at least once. Even if you don’t love it, you’ll learn a ton about yourself in the process.

8. Learn basic phrases – Locals don’t expect you to be an expert in the local language, but learning a few basic phrases will go a long way to endearing you and making them go the extra mile for you. It will bring a smile to their face that you tried! “Hello,” “how are you?” and “thank you” go a long, long way no matter where you go.

9. Stay in hostels – Get to know other travelers and experience the communal spirit of traveling by staying in hostels a few times. They aren’t all the dirty party places you see in movies. Most hostels are very clean, offer breakfast, have comfy beds and Wi-Fi, organize events, and know the local area very well. They also aren’t just for young backpackers; you’ll find people of all ages (and even some families) staying there. Try them out. You may like it.

Here is a list of the best hostels in the world to get you started!

10. Use tourist boards – Local tourist offices are a wealth of knowledge. When you get to a new destination, visit the tourist office and ask the staff an insane number of questions about the place. They exist solely to help you get the most of your visit and it’s their job to know everything and everything about a place. Plus, they often have tons of discounts not found anywhere else.

Visiting one is often one of the first things I do in a new city.

11. Try new foods – Culture is often best experienced through food. Don’t be afraid to try new things. Get out of your comfort zone and experiment. You might actually like it (those fried caterpillars in Zambia were delicious!).

12. Be flexible with your plans – Travel is a series of happy accidents with way leading to way. Don’t skip going to that random city with the friends you just met because your itinerary says something different. You’ll regret it.

Go with the flow and be open to new things.

This will make your travels a lot more stress-free.

12. Pack light – Take it from a former over-packer: you never need half the stuff you take. Put everything you think you need in a pile and then remove half of it. The lighter you travel, the easier you travel.

Here’s our suggested packing lists:

14. Take extra money – Something always happens that you never planned for that will cost you extra money. I never thought I would fly last-minute to Fiji, need to replace my camera in Italy, or buy an extra iPhone cable in Australia. Always take extra money just in case. You may not need it, but you don’t want to be without a little extra when something bad happens.

When you start planning for your trip, set aside a $300-500 emergency slush fund in for accidents.

15. Get lost – Meander through a new city without a map. Get lost — because in the end, you aren’t really getting lost, you’re just discovering new experiences. So put down the map and wander. Eventually, you’ll find your way.

16. Call home – Your parents miss you. Don’t forget to call and say hello.

17. Get a phone — It will be easier to stay in touch with friends (and call home), meet up with other travelers, and contact hostels with a phone. SIM cards and prepaid phones are cheap, so there’s no excuse not to stay connected.

But don’t be glued to your phone. I see too many people hooked on their phone these days. But it is still a good idea to carry one for emergencies, especially when they are so accessible and affordable now.

18. Travel slow – This isn’t a race or a competition. I know you want to get a lot in with your limited time, but you see a lot more when you see a lot less. Travel slow and experience each place. Don’t race from train station to station; that will set you up for a stressful, unenjoyable time. With travel, less is more.

19. Live somewhere once – Stop at least once. Get to know a place. Learn the language. Make local friends. Explore. Become the local. Living in a foreign place gives you a different perspective on life and a real sense of what it’s like to be an outsider.

Plus, living a foreign place and surviving will help you gain a lot of confidence.

20. Avoid taxis – They just cost a lot. Don’t use them unless you don’t have any other option.

21. Bring a reusable water bottle – Not only are all those disposable plastic water bottles bad for the environment but the cost adds up over time. A water bottle here, a water bottle there, and you’ve spent $50 on water alone. Get a reusable bottle and drink the tap water in conjunction with a SteriPen or LifeStraw water purifier.

22. Buy travel insurance – You never know what could happen on the road — but something always does. I’ve had to deal with lost baggage, broken gear, delayed flights, and even some pretty serious injuries. Without travel insurance, I would have not only had to pay out of pocket for these expenses but I would have been left to navigate them alone.

Buy travel insurance so that if you’re injured or you break your camera, you’re covered. Plus, you’re friends and family will be able to relax knowing that, should something happen, you’re covered. It’s only a few dollars a day. It’s worth the peace of mind.

Here’s the link to our resource page with all our articles on the subject!

23. Bring basic first-aid – Cuts and scrapes happen, and you can get what you need most anywhere in the world, but it’s still good to carry bandages, antibacterial cream, and some hydrocortisone cream in your first aid kit just in case. Also, carry duct tape — you’ll never know when it’ll come in handy.

Here are some tips on how to pack a suggested first add kit.

24. Get off the beaten path London, Paris, and the temples of Kyoto are all amazing for a reason, but get off the beaten path, go away from the crowds, and explore on your own. Find something new, stick out, meet the locals, and discover. The road less traveled is usually a good one.

25. Take photos of your friends – Years from now, you’ll want to look back at your younger self and see all the people who changed your life. Nostalgia can be a wonderful thing. Make sure you take photos of your friends. You’ll want them later.

26. Use the sharing economy – The rise of the sharing economy has made backpacking so much easier and cheaper. From ridesharing, house sharing, and meetup websites, there are so many ways you can get off the tourist trail and experience day-to-day life with locals! Here are some suggested websites:

  • Couchsurfing (free shared accommodation with locals)
  • Airbnb (paid accommodation with locals)
  • BlaBlaCar (rideshare app)
  • EatWith (share a meal with local cooks)
  • Vayable (for finding local tours and activities)

And finally, the most important tip of them all….

27. Ignore all my tips and do whatever you want – It’s your trip. Go where you want, when you want, and for how long you want. Don’t worry about this or that. Make mistakes. Learn. Make more mistakes. Have fun and become a better traveler. At the end of the day, you won’t look back and think “if only I had more miles” but instead “damn, that was a lot of fun.”

So get out there and have some fun!

You deserve it.

How to Travel the World on $50 a Day

how to travel the world on $50 a dayMy New York Times best-selling paperback guide to world travel will teach you how to master the art of travel save money, get off the beaten path, and have a more local, richer travel experiences. It will teach you everything you need to know about travel!

Click here to learn more about the book and how you can start reading it today!

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the best companies to save money with?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and that will save you time and money too!

The post 27 Golden Rules For Becoming a Master Traveler appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

What Does Travel Mean to You?

A solo hiker in a yellow jacket sitting in the mountains looking at the scenery around him
Updated: 8/5/2019 | August 5th, 2019

A few years ago, I went around the world and asked people what travel meant to them. As I travel the country on my current book tour and hear everyone’s reasons for travel, I’m reminded of that experience.

Travel means something different to every single person in the world.

There are a million and one reasons to travel. Many people travel the world to get the bug out of their system, or to check things off a list to say they’ve been there and done that. Some run to escape their problems. Some people travel simply to get drunk around the world.

For me, travel means many things. Travel is freedom. It’s about being able to do what I want and fill my day with excitement. Travel was an escape. Travel was “elsewhere”. That place where exciting things and people resided. It was escaping the Matrix to learn about the world, why people do what they do, and how they act. It’s about pushing myself to the limit and getting more comfortable in my own skin.

But I wondered what motivates other people to do the same.

I have my theories of course.

But I wanted to hear it from people directly.

So, during an extended trip, I asked people I met on the road one question:

“What does travel mean to you?”

And here is what they said:


I loved hearing everyone’s answers because it so accurately describes all the various reasons that push us to travel the world, learn about the people in it, and ourselves.

Now, tell me in the comments below:

What does travel mean to you?

Share what drives you.

P.S. – I just released a new book! It’s called “Ten Years a Nomad” and it’s about my ten years backpacking the world and the lessons I learned from it. It features tons of stories I’ve never told on this blog and is a book that delves into the why of travel! Click here to learn more, grab your copy today, and meet me on my book tour! This week I’ll be in Austin, Houston, Denver, and San Diego

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the best companies to save money with?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and that will save you time and money too!

The post What Does Travel Mean to You? appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

12 Things Every Person Who Wants to Travel with Their Dog Should Know

Boogie the pug and Marcelo the chi at the beach
Posted: 7/18/2019 | July 18th, 2019

This is a guest post from Candy Pilar Godoy, who blogs about pet travel at Boogie The Pug. She travels the world with her pug, Boogie, and her tiny chihuahua, Marcelo. She’s here to tell you how you can do the same with your dog!

Many people assume that it’s supremely difficult — if not impossible — to travel with dogs. So most assume that they’ll need to fork over a truckload of cash to cover the dog-sitting costs of leaving their pooches behind while they travel.

However, I learned that, with research and a little extra planning, you can take your furry friends along with you on most travel adventures — and it’s not as difficult as you might think.

According to the 2017–2018 National Pet Owners Survey, 68% of US households own a pet. That’s 89 million dogs, an increase of 56% since 1988.

And of that number, about 37% of pet owners actually travel with their pets every year, up from just 19% a decade ago. The International Pet and Animal Transportation Association reported that, worldwide, more than four million live animals are transported on planes every year.

The travel industry has had to adapt to this growing demand, and today, traveling with your dog is easier than ever.

As someone who is extremely passionate about traveling AND dogs, I wanted to share what I’ve learned on the road about this emerging trend.

1. Don’t assume it’s a no

Boogie the pug in Rio de Janeiro
Travel with animals increases every year, and it’s taken establishments time to catch up, meaning lots of places don’t have dog policies in place just yet (or their policies have yet to be thoroughly fleshed out). I’ve heard plenty of stories of restaurants and hotels whose websites and/or social media have listed themselves as dog friendly, when in reality they’re not. It happens.

When in doubt, always ask. Never assume that dogs are or are not allowed. It’s great to look for a “No Pets Allowed” sign or a “Pet Friendly” notice, but whether a place has one or not, it’s always best to double-check. A quick email or phone call can save you a lot of time, confusion, and frustration. For example, I’ve been pleasantly surprised to learn that dogs are welcome in most shopping malls in Rio de Janeiro. Who knew?

2. Make copies of pet-related documents

Boogie the pug kayaking in Vermont
If you’re planning to cross borders or travel internationally, you’ll need your dog’s health records on hand (sort of like us humans and our passports). These are necessary to prove that your dog is healthy and vaccinated. Officials ask to see them, and depending on who you deal with, they’ll either keep the originals or make a copy. Additionally, if you need to visit a new vet abroad, you’ll be able to provide them with your furry friend’s medical history.

For these reasons, I like to keep multiple copies of my dogs’ medical records and vet information on us at all times. This includes both a virtual copy on my phone and printed copies in my day bag.

3. Use dog-friendly apps

Boogie the pug in Philadelphia
There are plenty of apps that can help when on the road with your pup. It’s become a lot easier than when I used to travel the world sans iPhone. My favorites include:

  • All Trails This has the largest collection of trail maps (over 50,000). Browse photos and reviews, and filter your search by dog-friendly trails so you know which hikes to hit with your dog.
  • Bring Fido The Yelp of the dog world. Bring Fido helps you locate nearby hotels, attractions, and restaurants that welcome pets.
  • Pet First Aid by American Red Cross This app helps you locate the nearest emergency animal hospital, and provides step-by-step instructions for common pet emergencies.

4. Skip hotel fees

Boogie the pug and Marcelo the chi in Mexico City
Many hotels charge additional fees to accommodate your pet. These can range from a one-time fee of $50–$250 to a daily charge of $10–$50 on average. These extra costs add up, increasing the price of your trip and putting pressure on your budget. If you book a hotel with a $50/night pet fee for a week, that’s an additional $350!

There are some hotel chains, however, that welcome your pets without asking for any extra cash — no additional fees, no deposits, and no one-time charges. Consider one of these hotels when you’re booking your next trip. My favorite pet-friendly hotels with no extra fees include:

  • Kimpton – With no additional fees or deposits, Kimpton Hotels rank high in terms of pet-friendliness. Plus, there’s no size or weight limit, and no limit on the number of pets allowed.
  • Red Roof Inn – This upscale economy chain has over 580 locations in the US, and additional locations in Brazil and Japan. They allow all family pets weighing 80 lbs. or less.
  • Motel 6 – Motel 6 hotels are a great option for anyone on a US road trip, with over 1,400 locations across the United States and Canada. They welcome all well-behaved pets, with a maximum allowance of two pets per room.

Can’t find a good hotel in the area? Try They have an easy search function that filters for pet-friendly homes. We often use Airbnb when traveling internationally.

Pro tip: Before booking with any hotel, ask these questions to ensure that your stay is comfortable.

5. Take a pet carrier

Boogie the pug in a backpack
There are many options on the market when it comes to pet carriers. My favorites include the k9 Sport Sack, a dog carrier backpack that fits dogs of up to 40 lbs. (psst — use the promo code BOOGIE for 10% off). It comes in multiple colors and can be personalized with patches. I also use The Roodie, a pet-carrier hoodie that holds dogs weighing up to 15 lbs.

6. Be respectful of the people you meet

a dog playing in a water sprinkler in Berlin
No matter where you go with your dog, be honest and considerate with those around you. Some people love animals, while others can be terrified of even a tiny puppy. Be polite and know your dog’s limits.

Remember that human relationships with dogs vary incredibly across cultures. For example, in Guatemala, we saw more street dogs than pets. People were often surprised to learn that our dogs travel on planes, and even more taken aback to learn that they sleep in our bed. Try to be aware of these cultural differences, and be sensitive to the human-canine boundaries to which people are accustomed.

Moreover, if your pet tends to be unfriendly with humans (or other dogs), make that very clear to anyone approaching. You don’t want to end up in a situation that could have been avoided with a clear warning. After all, dogs are animals — as owners we are the ones responsible for them.

7. Triple-check airline pet policies

Boogie the pug and Marcelo the chi in Paraty, Brazil
When flying, especially internationally, we always double-check, if not triple-check, airline pet policies. Policies are constantly in flux, and rules are always changing. You want to make extra certain that you and your dog are both welcome on that flight. I usually check the airline’s website, give them a call, and send an email confirmation when I’m bringing my dogs on a flight.

Policies and prices for flying with your pet also vary according to a few factors. They usually depend on the airline, the country you’re traveling to, and the size and breed of your pet. There’s also the option of air travel in the cabin, in cargo, and in baggage. (Want to know the difference between these three? Click here.)

Some of my favorite dog-friendly airlines include American Airlines, Delta Airlines, Air France, and JetBlue.

8. Countries differ

Boogie the pug and Marcelo the chi at the beach
When it comes to crossing borders, countries differ in their rules and regulations for allowing your pup entry. Some only ask for a rabies vaccine and paperwork from your vet, while others require a pet quarantine and high fees. There’s also a list of banned breeds for whom some countries won’t allow entry at all.

The hardest countries to enter tend to be islands, like Australia, Japan, Fiji, and Iceland. The easiest are countries in the European Union (if your pup has an EU passport!). Research the rules of your destination country thoroughly and far enough in advance to ensure that you can meet all the requirements.

9. Make dog friends

Boogie the pug and Marcelo the chi
As I said earlier, dogs are social animals. When you’re out walking or spending time at the local park, befriend other dogs and their owners. They’ll let you in on their favorite hangouts, the best dog-friendly restaurants in the area, and which vets they trust. Dog owners know best, and they’re a great resource to have. Here are the best ways to find a local dog community online or IRL:

  • Go on a walk – Grab your pup and head out for a walk around the neighborhood. Stop to sniff a butt or two, and talk to dog people. Speaking to local dog owners is the best way to get the lowdown on the area, and all of the dog-friendly places around town.
  • Instagram – These days, dogs everywhere have their own Instagram profiles. Look up hashtags, like #dogsof and enter in your location. You’ll find dogs all over the world. Find some local pups and send them a message asking for tips.
  • Visit a dog park – Dog parks are a great place to exercise and socialize. Many major cities have them. If there aren’t any official dog parks in your area, ask local dog owners or people online about unofficial places where your dogs can romp around.
  • Find an online community – Online platforms host a myriad of groups based on things like breed, location, dog size, and activity level. I recommend searching Facebook and Many online communities host meetups and social gatherings that you and your pup can join. They’re also a great place to ask questions.
  • Go to a pet store – Local pet shops are great resources for information. Many post flyers for local dog services, or information on nearby dog-related activities for you and your four-legged friend.

10. Pack the essentials

Boogie the pug and Marcelo the chi at the beach
As much as you’d like to just grab your dog and go, there are a few things you’ll definitely need to bring along. Poop bags, a leash and harness, and ID tags are just a few. Pack your pup’s essentials in case you can’t find them on the road (not every location has a good pet store!).

Here’s a checklist of things you might need. It includes things like:

  • Dog food and water
  • Collapsible bowls
  • Toys
  • A bed
  • Flea and tick medicine
  • Medical records and travel documents

Also, make sure your dog is microchipped and always up to date on standard vaccinations.

11. Teach your dog manners

Marcelo the chihuahua in Guatemala
Before you hit the road, it’s best if your dog knows a thing or two. Basic commands, like “sit” and “stay,” will make managing a dog while traveling easier. A well-trained dog can be left behind in a hotel room or rental to rest for a few hours while you have a nice dinner or visit a museum.

Plus, you’re more likely to get a “yes” to your requests if people see that your dog is well behaved. No one wants to be around a barking or rowdy dog who won’t listen!

Work on obedience and manners, and make sure your pup always puts their best paw forward.

If you need help, working with a certified trainer is best. There are also many resources online to help ensure that your dog is obedient and ready to venture out into the world. I recommend the AllThingsPups training tips — they have a YouTube channel, Instagram account, and podcast.

12. Say hello!

Boogie the pug getting lots of attention in Guatemala
Seeing a dog always puts a smile on a stranger’s face. Be polite to people you encounter with your pup. Kindness goes a long way.

On a recent flight, a friendly exchange with a dog-loving airline worker led to my pups and me getting a whole row to ourselves. Extra legroom and seat space are always welcome!

I’ve also gotten free treats, lots of useful tips, and other upgrades all because of a smile, some amicable banter, and of course, my friendly pups.


Travels with my dogs are more colorful and locally focused, and force me to explore parts of my destination that I would have never experienced had I been dogless. My dogs help me meet more people, see more places, and live in and cherish the present. There’s no better way to appreciate a new place than with a dog!

Candy Pilar Godoy has visited almost 40 countries across six continents, and speaks three languages. She often travels with her dogs, and writes about pet travel on her blog Candy currently lives in Rio de Janeiro with her two dogs, Boogie and Marcelo, and cat Kitty. Follow them on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the best companies to save money with?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!

The post 12 Things Every Person Who Wants to Travel with Their Dog Should Know appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

Ten Years a Nomad: My Next Travel Book is Here!

Posted: 5/28/2019 | May 28th, 2019

Though I’ve alluded to it for months, it’s time to finally let the cat fully out of the bag:

I’m releasing a brand-new book!!!!

It took close to two years to write (and was the hardest thing I ever wrote). But, after a million edits, it’s done and ready for the world.

It’s called Ten Years a Nomad: A Traveler’s Journey Home.

And it comes out July 16th!

This isn’t another “how-to” money-saving guidebook.

Ten years a nomad book coverThe memoir is about my ten years traveling around the world, the lessons I learned, and my advice on being a better traveler. It features stories I’ve never told and goes deeper into my philosophy on travel than I ever have on this blog.

I wrote this to follow the emotional journey of a trip around the world: getting the bug, the planning, setting off, the highs, the lows, the friends, what happens when you come back — and the lessons and advice that come with all that.

Here’s an early review from Kirkus:

“Throughout his ruminations on how travel affected him, Kepnes interweaves his tales of friends, girlfriends, and great loves discovered among exotic backdrops and how starting a blog ( about his adventures altered the way he traveled. His story is one of heartbreak, self-discovery, and the constant travel itch he had to scratch in order to become the man he was supposed to be. An entertaining, quick read by a man who did what many of us only dream about.”

This is my opus on travel.

And it’s available now for pre-order.

As with my previous books, I’m offering bundle packages for those people who purchase the book in advance! You’ll be able to get free copies of my other books, one-on-one travel planning advice, free attendance at TravelCon, blogging courses, free hostel stays and flights, and more!

The packages are listed below.

All you need to do to claim your bonuses is email me a copy of your receipt at

The Basic Package (cost: $18, value: $48)
Purchase one copy of the book and get:

  • How to Build a Travel Blog ebook (value: $9.99)
  • The Ultimate Guide to Travel Hacking ebook (value: $9.99)
  • 27 Ways to Be a Master Traveler PDF (value: $5)
  • 50 Inspiring Travel Books and Movies PDF (value: $5)

***BEST VALUE*** The Tenner (cost: $182, value: $794)
Buy 10 copies of my book and get ALL THE ABOVE plus:

  • My 12 city and country guides (value: $150)
  • A signed copy of my book How to Travel the World on $50 a Day (value: $15)
  • A 15-minute planning call with me (ask me anything)! (value: $200)
  • The Business of Blogging course (value: $199)

The Bullseye (cost: $900, value: $2,493)
Buy 50 copies of my book and get ALL THE ABOVE plus:

  • One ticket to TravelCon in Boston (value: $399)
  • A 30-minute planning call with me (ask me anything)! (value: $400)

SUPER BONUS! The Centennial (cost: $1,800, value: $7,193)
Buy 100 copies of my book and get ALL THE ABOVE plus:

  • Lunch on me! I’ll come to your city and we’ll have lunch on me! (limited to those in the United States and Canada) (value: $2,000)
  • Round-trip airfare to TravelCon in Boston (from within the US and Canada) (value: $500)
  • One additional ticket to TravelCon in Boston (value: $399)

Conversely, if you’re not a blogger and don’t care about TravelCon, you’ll get four nights at any hostel in the United States and one round-trip domestic airfare.

SUPER BONUS! The Big Kahuna (cost: $4,500, value: $19,293)
Buy 250 copies of my book and get ALL THE ABOVE plus:

  • I’ll come to speak at your event for free! (value: $5,000)
  • You’ll be flown to NYC (from within the US and Canada) the book launch party, put up in a hotel for two nights, and get dinner with me! (value: $3,000)

Note: All digital bonuses will be sent when you send the receipt. Travel arrangements will be worked out between you and me and are valid for six months after purchase (i.e., you have to make a booking by then).

Order the book today, get your bonuses, and share your love of travel!

An amazon blue purchase button A blue Barnes and Noble purchase button


Want to Help Me Spread the Word About This Book?

I’ll be doing a huge book tour around the US and Canada to promote the book (details coming soon) but I’m always looking for more opportunities to talk travel. Here’s how you can help me spread the word about the new book:

Want to interview me?
If you have a blog, podcast, vlog, or Instagram channel and want to interview me about the book and travel, let me know at using the subject line “Book Interview.” I’d love to talk with you!

Are you in the media and want to cover the book?
If you work for a major media outlet and want to interview me about the book or would like to review the book, let me know at using the subject line “Media Request.”

Know anyone that I should reach out to for promotion?
If you have suggestions on people who would love a copy of this book and would be a good fit for promoting the book, let me know in the comments, or feel to email me at with the subject line “Book Promotion Help.”

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the best companies to save money with?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and that will save you time and money too!

The post Ten Years a Nomad: My Next Travel Book is Here! appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

Why I Still Stay in Hostels When I Travel

Tallin Hostel, Tallin
Posted: 1/31/2019 | January 31st, 2019

People are always shocked when they find out I that I still stay in hostels.

“Aren’t you too old for that?”

“Why would you still want to do that?”

“Don’t you actually make money? Are you still too broke for an Airbnb?”

“How do you even sleep?”

And what’s even more shocking to people is that while I often stay in a hostel private room, I also still stay in dorms!

(If anyone has followed on Twitter while I’ve been in Colombia, you’ll know my dorm room pains!)

Why do I do this to myself? Why do I still stay in hostels?

Three reasons.

The first: I’m cheap. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. I started out — and stayed — a budget traveler because I just don’t like to spend money.

Especially on rooms I’ll just be in for a few hours.

I look at prices for hotels and private rooms and think, “Well, a dorm is only $10, so why not?!”

True, I often regret that decision, since I also don’t sleep well, but money is money — and hostels are cheap!

The second is that they provide me with on-the-ground information about what budget travelers and backpackers are doing. (First came the backpackers, then everyone else, I like to say.) Backpackers and hostel staff know where to find things to do on a budget. They have lots of hacks and are a good source of information and resources I might not know about. I can learn about new apps, get hot tips, and discover places or events to check out.

They know the best markets, cheap places to eat, and off-beat destinations.

Hostels are where I get the information I can use to unlock the mystery of how to see a destination on a budget.

Hostels are my source of travel trends.

In fact, I think hostels, their staff, and the backpacker crowd are an underutilized resource – regardless of your age or travel style. You don’t get travelers swapping tips at a hotel bar the way you do a hostel bar. So, if you’re looking for information — a hot new attraction, a cool local tour, new restaurants, a great dive bar, tips on getting around cheaper — go to a hostel bar. Most hostels have bars open to the public until a certain hour. Meet some backpackers. Make some friends. Learn something new!

Additionally, even if you aren’t staying at a hostel, you can go in and ask the staff questions. They field more inquiries about “unique, weird, and local” things to do than your Airbnb host or a hotel concierge.

And, finally, and most important, reason: I like the social vibe.

I think hotels are boring, and I don’t want to stay in an Airbnb by myself. Hostels are full of friendly travelers. I can swap tips, have a few conversations, get some travel buddies, and generally socialize! (Yes, you can do that with locals too, but you know what I mean.)

Hostels are just fun. I miss them when I’m not staying at them.

There’s usually a bar, events going on, activities, people hanging out, a pool table – there are lots of ways to connect with other travelers in a hostel.

The common areas are meant for people to interact. Even if I’m not looking for a rager, it’s still nice to head down, grab a beer, and chat with people for a bit.

How could I ever leave that? It’s way better than watching Netflix!

While I may not be the most “budget” traveler these days as I don’t often cook when I travel (if I’m not in an expensive country like Switzerland), I destroy my $50-per-day budget on nice food when I travel, and I would rather take the quickest — not the cheapest — transportation, I still am cheap as hell (see reason number #1 above), and I like writing about budget travel.

I don’t ever see myself not staying in hostels for at least part of my travels.

They are home.

You should make them your home too.

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewher eother than a hotel, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the best companies to save money with?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!

Photo credit: 1

The post Why I Still Stay in Hostels When I Travel appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.