Category Archives: safety

12 Ways to Be Prepared for Anything While Traveling

be prepared like a boy scout
Updated: 9/2/2019 | September 2nd, 2019

When I was a kid, I was a Boy Scout. I made it pretty far too, but then I became a teenager, decided it was “lame,” and quit. As a Boy Scout, I learned how to tie knots, camp outdoors, be a good citizen, play with knives, and got to have cool sleepovers.

One of the most important things you learn as a Boy Scout is their motto to always “be prepared,” and as I’ve grown up and traveled the world, I’ve found this to also be a travel truism.

You never know what might happen on the road.

Stepping out your door into the unknown is what makes travel so exciting. Each day brings endless possibility, but that possibility is for both good and bad. You may end up enjoying a day sightseeing in Paris — or getting robbed in Berlin. You may spend an amazing day on the beaches of Thailand — or suffer food poisoning in Costa Rica.

But if you’re prepared, you’ll be able to face whatever happens to you on the road:

1. Take Multipurpose Gear

Packing multiuse gear ensures you can easily adjust to changing conditions and helps reduce the amount of clothing you need to take. For example, I like pants that zip off into shorts, walking shoes that look nice enough for an evening out, and using my swim trunks as a pair of shorts. This saves room in my bag while money since I don’t need to buy as much stuff. This always ensures you are dressed for any occasion (after all, who knows when you’ll suddenly find yourself invited to party?!).

Here are some posts on gear that can help you:

2. Carry a Small First Aid Kit

While we live in 2019, not 1919, and you can find modern medicine anywhere in the world, I always carry a small first aid kit with me with a few essential items to be safe. I take Tylenol, stomach illness medicine, eyedrops, Band-Aids, scissors, hydrocortisone cream, antibacterial ointment, and a small supply of doctor-approved antibiotics. I’m usually able to find a pharmacy when I need one, but in case of an emergency, it’s good to have these items handy.

Here’s a detailed guide on putting together a first aid kit.

(And, on a similar note, here are 10 ways to avoid getting sick on the road.)

3. Pack a Small Flashlight

You’d be surprised how many travelers don’t carry one, but a flashlight will prove to be invaluable when you suddenly decide to go caving in Panama, when your hike lasts longer than expected and nightfall sets in, or when the electricity goes out unexpectedly, which is not uncommon in a lot of places. I carry a small, waterproof pen flashlight when I travel.

4. Carry a Reusable Water Bottle (with a Filter)

Water is life, and while it’s unlikely you’re going to be lost out in a desert or the jungle, it always pays to be prepared. Carrying a reusable water bottle and filter will not only save you money as a traveler, but it will also prevent tons of single-use plastic from ending up in landfills or the ocean. And yes, should an emergency arise you’ll be prepared. Most people can survive for 3 weeks without food — but you’ll only make it 3 days without water. Never leave home without a reusable bottle and filter, such as a SteriPen or LifeStraw.

5. Learn Basic Phrases

Locals don’t expect you to be an expert in their language, but knowing how to say “hello,” “goodbye,” and “thank you” go a long way in endearing yourself to locals. After all, wouldn’t you be annoyed if someone came to your home and expected you to know their language?

Knowing a few key phrases will not only make interactions easier, but it will also help you when you bargain for goods, order food, get lost, or need help.

Lonely Planet makes excellent pocket language guides for just about every language spoken, and Benny Lewis wrote this excellent guide on learning languages.

6. Study Nonverbal Communication

Most people interact using both verbal and nonverbal communication, so paying attention to facial expressions can help you appropriately read a situation, even if you don’t understand the verbal part. When you don’t know the language or might take words out of context, keep calm and take a moment to read the feelings of the person. This has helped me defuse tense situations with taxi drivers, vendors, and hotel owners. Understanding nonverbal communication doesn’t happen overnight. It takes practice, but these websites offer:

7. Keep Emergency Cash with You

While there is almost always an ATM around these days, you never know when emergency cash might come in handy. You could end up in an airport (like I recently did) and find that none of your ATM cards work and you are stuck without any money. I recommend having a stash of $200 USD for emergency situations. I don’t carry this money around but leave it in my hotel room safe in case something happens. It will be useful if you get robbed or lose your wallet.

8. Have Backup Credit and Bank Cards

I always keep one backup credit card and bank card with me in case of emergencies. You never know when one bank might decide to lock your account for suspicious activity without telling you (yes, that has also happened to me) or when you might get robbed. I recently had my bank account information stolen while I was traveling in Europe. My bank had to deactivate my card, and if I hadn’t had a second one with me, I wouldn’t have had access to any money.

Here are some helpful blog posts on credit cards and banking for you:

9. Make Copies of Your Passport and Important Documents

Keeping copies of your documents can come in handy during an emergency, especially if you lose your originals. If you get robbed or lose your passport, having copies ready for officials can make filing police reports and obtaining new documents much easier. When I lost my passport, my backup copies helped with my police report and served as my proof of identity at the American embassy. Copy your passport, your health/travel insurance paperwork, and your credit cards.

10. Carry a List of Emergency Contacts

If something happens to you, having a list of emergency numbers on you will help medical professionals know who to contact. I also keep a list of my allergies with me so if I need treatment and can’t answer questions, doctors know what I’m allergic to.

I keep two copies: one with me and one in my bag in my hotel room. Because having backups are important!

11. Have Travel Insurance

The ultimate form of preparedness, having travel insurance will be a blessing when you have to go to the hospital because you popped an eardrum scuba diving, get sick on the road, or break a leg. Chances are nothing is going to happen to you while traveling, but for when it does, you are going to want to have insurance. Only a fool travels without it.

Here’s a list of suggested articles on how to pick the best travel insurance:

12. Read Before You Go

There’s nothing more important than knowing about the place you’re visiting. Head to a library or bookstore and get a few books on what life is like where you’re going. If someone came into your home and ignored all your rules, you would get upset — the same guidelines are applicable when you travel overseas. Knowing basic rules and etiquette can help you avoid any misunderstandings and leave a favorable impression in your host’s minds. Otherwise, you could end up like this British couple who were jailed for kissing in public in Dubai. (That’s a big no-no in Middle Eastern countries.)


You never know when you might face the unexpected, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned from my years of traveling, it’s that even the best-laid plans can go awry. You may not use these items all the time, and, hopefully, you won’t ever need some of them, but the point is to be ready when you do. After all, a scout is always prepared.

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Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the best companies to save money with?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and that will save you time and money too!

The post 12 Ways to Be Prepared for Anything While Traveling appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

Is Brazil Safe to Visit?

The stunning view overlooking the city of Rio in Brazil
Posted: 7/13/2019 | July 13th, 2019

Offering pristine nature and access to the Amazon rainforest, historic cities and colonial architecture, and lots of affordable food and activities, Brazil will have some something for every traveler.

A popular destination for revelers looking to party hard at Carnival as well as a hot spot for adventure junkies and beachgoers, Brazil is a country known for its amazing weather and pristine landscapes.

But is it safe?

Brazil has a reputation for being a rough and tumble destination, one where travelers need to be extra cautious and on their guard at all times.

Due to rising inequality, unfortunately, this is the case. Petty theft and street crime are a common occurrence in Brazil. The crime rate in Brazil has been on the rise for many years now (it was up almost 50% between 2015 and 2016) so travelers here will need to be on vigilant

But that doesn’t mean you should avoid the country. You just need to be a smart traveler. Millions of people visit the country every year and don’t have a problem. As long as you follow the suggested safety tips, you’ll minimize the likelihood anything bad will happen to you!

Here is everything you need to know to stay safe and make the most out of your next trip to Brazil.


13 Safety Tips for Brazil

To help you stay safe in Brazil, here are 13 tips that will keep both you and your possessions out of harm’s way:

1. Walk with purpose – When out exploring, always walk with purpose. Look like you’re heading somewhere in specific, even if you’re not. Pickpockets and muggers look for travelers who are unsure of themselves. Don’t look like a target.

2. Don’t carry cash – Carry only the minimum cash needed for the day. Keep the rest locked up back in your accommodation.

3. Separate your cards – If you have more than one credit or debit card, keep them separate. Bring one with you for the day (if you think you’ll need it) and leave the other one locked up in your room. That way, should something happen, you always have at least one card.

4. Don’t bring valuables to the beach – When you go to the beach, don’t take anything unnecessary. Towel, bathing suit, and a small amount of cash. That’s it! Anything else you bring is likely to disappear!

5. Dress to fit in – When out and about, dress down and try to fit in. Leave any valuables or jewelry at home. Don’t walk around flashing your camera or phone. If you need to use them, be discreet.

6. Carry a spare wallet – Bring a spare wallet with a small amount of cash in it. That way, if you get robbed or pickpocketed they won’t get your real wallet (where you’ll keep the rest of your cash and cards).

7. Avoid outdoor ATMs – If you need to withdraw cash, only use ATMs inside buildings. Always be aware of your surroundings before you take out your wallet.

8. Double check your accommodation – No matter where you are staying, be sure to check the doors and windows before leaving for the day and before settling in at night. Don’t leave anything valuable lying around your room; lock everything up.

9. Don’t accept free food/drinks – Never accept drinks or food from strangers. Drugging victims before they are robbed is common, so decline free food or drinks from strangers.

10. Watch out for distractions – Thieves will often try to distract you before they rob you. Be mindful of this common scam to help you stay vigilant.

Don’t walk around at night alone – If you have to, avoid city beaches, parks, and empty streets.

11. Take precautions when driving – If traveling by car, always keep your doors locked. By on guard at stop signs or red lights, especially at night. Many Brazilians won’t even stop for them to avoid the risk of a carjacking. Buy travel insurance before you go just in case you run into trouble. It’s always better to be safe than sorry!

Is Street Food in Brazil Safe?

Yep! You’ll find all sorts of amazing street food stands in cities like Rio as well as near the beaches and you’d be missing out if you didn’t try them! Just make sure to stick to places where there are a lot of locals gathered. That’s how you know the food is not only safe but delicious too!

I’d suggest avoiding anything with shrimp of seafood as it spoils quickly. But definitely try the mate as it can be quite refreshing (it’s served as an ice tea and is really good).

For the most part, you’ll encounter places that sell various kinds of meat. As long as it is fully cooked and hasn’t been in the sun all day, dive in and give it a try!

Don’t hesitate to ask your hotel or hostel staff for street food or restaurant suggestions too. They’ll no doubt have some delicious — and safe — options for you to try.

Is the Tap Water in Brazil Safe?

The water in Brazil is generally safe to drink, though most Brazilians still use filters or drink bottled water. The tap water generally has something of an odd taste, due to the purification process, so while it’s fine for brushing your teeth, it can taste odd if you’re just drinking it when you’re thirsty.

If staying in a hostel or Airbnb you’ll likely have access to a filter but it’s always a good idea to bring your own as well. Lifestraw and Steripen are two great products to help keep your water safe and potable.

Are Taxis in Brazil Safe?

Taxis in Brazil are safe and plentiful. They use meters as well, though it’s always a good idea to ask your hotel or hostel staff for an approximate fare before you head out. There are always a few bad apples who will try to rip you off, so just be sure to pay attention to the meter and make sure it isn’t rising abnormally quick.

Also, it’s always best to call your taxi in advance. Never flag a taxi on the street (this is especially true at night).

Is Brazil Safe for Solo Travelers?

Brazil is safe for solo travelers, though I would only suggest solo travelers visit here if they have some experience traveling solo already. By following the tips above, solo travelers will be able to have an amazing time in Brazil while staying safe.

If you are concerned as a solo traveler, try to meet-up with other travelers at hostels. Traveling together, you can keep each other company and deter any potential petty theft or robberies.

Is Brazil Safe for Solo Female Travelers?

Brazil faces real issues of poverty and crime so solo female travelers will need to be on guard. This is not a destination for new travelers and I would only suggest solo female travelers visit here if they are experienced solo travelers. Even then, you’ll want to make sure you take every precaution that you can.

Check with your hostel or hotel staff to find out if you should avoid any specific areas. Also, learn as much as the local language as you can so you don’t stand out.


So, is Brazil Safe?

Brazil is an amazing, vibrant country. But it’s not without its risks. Travelers here will need to be on guard and keep their wits about them. Petty theft and muggings are common, but if you follow the tips above you should be able to have an incredible visit while still staying safe.

Trust your gut, use common sense, and make sure you have comprehensive travel insurance. Do that, and you’ll be able to stay safe in Brazil have a memorable visit to this energetic country.

Heading to Brazil? Use the widget below to get a free travel insurance quote from World Nomads! That’s the company I’ve been using since I started traveling back in 2003!

Book Your Trip to Brazil: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time. My favorite hostels in Brazil are:

  • Discovery Hostel (Rio) – This award-winning hostel has everything the budget backpacker needs: a full-equipped kitchen, patio, lounge, and tons of social activities. It’s a great place to meet other travelers!
  • Geckos Hostel (Florianopolis) – This ec-friendly hostel is powered by solar panels and has a rustic charm to it. They have a pool and lots of room to lounge and relax. It’s a great hostel for chilling out and soaking up the sun.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the best companies to save money with?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!

Looking for more information on visiting Brazil?
Check out my in-depth destination guide to Brazil with more tips on what to see, do, costs, ways to save, and much, much more!

The post Is Brazil Safe to Visit? appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.