Author Archives: NomadicMatt

Is Colombia Safe to Visit?

A colorful narrow street in Colombia
Posted: 6/22/2019 | June 22nd, 2019

Colombia is one of the most popular countries in South America for backpackers and travelers. In 2017 (the last year there were figures), it saw over three million visitors — three times as many as there were 10 years ago!

Over the past few decades, Colombia has been working hard to dispel the violent image it earned thanks to the drug cartels that once ravaged the country.

While Colombia still isn’t perfect, it’s come a long way since our parents’ generation.

Violent crimes that were once common here, such as murder and kidnapping, are no longer everyday concerns for travelers. Kidnapping has declined 92% and homicides are down by 50% over the past two decades.

Slowly but surely, conditions in Colombia are improving for locals and tourists alike.

But a lot of people still ask me: is Colombia is safe?


My Experience in Colombia

Before I went to Colombia, I’d heard countless stories of petty theft. While there, I heard even more. A friend of mine had been robbed three times, the last time at gunpoint while on his way to meet me for dinner.

Locals and expats alike told me the same thing: the rumors of petty theft are true, but if you keep your wits about you, follow the rules, and don’t flash your valuables, you’ll be OK.

There’s even a local expression about it: “No dar papaya” (Don’t give papaya). Essentially, it means that you shouldn’t have something “sweet” out in the open (a phone, computer, watch, etc.) that would make you a target. Keep your valuables hidden, don’t wander around places you shouldn’t at night, don’t flash money around, avoid coming out of nightlife spots alone at night, etc. Simply put: don’t put yourself in a position where people can take advantage of you.

I heeded such advice. I didn’t wear headphones in public. I didn’t take my phone out unless I was in a group or a restaurant, or completely sure no one else was around. I took just enough money with me for the day when I left my hostel. I warned friends about wearing flashy jewelry or watches when they visited.

But the longer you are somewhere, the more complacent you get.

When you see locals on their phones in crowded areas, tourists toting thousand-dollar cameras, and kids wearing Airpods and Apple Watches, you begin to think, “OK, during the day, maybe it’s not so bad.”

Suddenly, you step out of a café with your phone out without even thinking about it.

You’re giving papaya.

And someone wants to take it.

Which is how I ended up getting mugged and knifed. (I’m OK.)

This was also just a matter of being unlucky and not specific to Colombia. A wrong-time-wrong-place situation. It could have happened to me anywhere where I didn’t follow the safety rules that help you minimize risk.

The experience reminded me of why you can’t get complacent. I gave papaya. I shouldn’t have had my phone out. It didn’t matter the time of day. That’s the rule in Colombia. Keep your valuables hidden. (Especially in Bogotá, which does have a higher rate of petty crime than elsewhere in the country.) I didn’t follow the advice.

And I got unlucky because of it. I’d been having my phone out too often and, with each non-incident, I grew more and more relaxed. I kept dropping my guard.

What happened was unlucky, but it didn’t need to happen if I had followed the rules.

This is why people warned me to be careful.

So, if you follow the rules, you’re unlikely to have a problem. All those incidents I talked about earlier? All involved people breaking the ironclad “no dar papaya” rule and either having something valuable out or walking alone late at night in areas where they shouldn’t have.

I’m not going to let this freak incident change my view of such an amazing country. I’d go back to Colombia the same way I’d get in a car after a car accident. In fact, I was terribly upset to leave. I was having an amazing time. I still love Bogotá. I still have plans to go back to Colombia.

Colombia is amazing.

Learn from my mistake. Not only for when you visit Colombia but when you travel in general.

10 Safety Tips for Colombia

You can’t get complacent in Colombia. Once you do, bad things happen. You have to stay vigilant. To help you stay safe during your trip, here are a few tips you’ll want to keep in mind as you travel around the country:

1. Stay somewhere with 24-hour security – You always want someone around in case you need assistance. Most hostels and hotels have security cameras or guards. If you don’t feel safe somewhere, don’t hesitate to move on. This way you always have someone to talk to in case something goes wrong.

2. Don’t flash your belongings while you’re out and about – Keep your phone out of sight, and don’t wear any jewelry or watches. If you need to use your phone, do it inside and not out on the street. This is where people get in the most trouble. This is how I got into trouble. Put everything away so you don’t stand out.

3. Don’t travel alone at night – Try to go out with other travelers if you’re going out at night. If you do plan to go out alone or party late, be sure to take an Uber home or have someone call you a cab. Don’t walk alone really late at night.

4. Learn some Spanish – Even just a few phrases can help you in an emergency. Download Spanish on Google Translator so you have it offline as well, just in case.

5. Download an offline map of the city – Having a map will be helpful in case you get lost and need to guide yourself (or a taxi driver) back to your accommodation. If you use your phone at night, be sure to not use it out in the streets.

6. Don’t do drugs – The drugs cartels have crippled this country. Don’t support them by buying drugs. Locals don’t like it because drugs have so devasted the country and doing it just further cripples the country. It’s really disrespectful. Additionally, getting involved with drugs here increases your chances of getting into trouble. Also, doing drugs here is illegal, and you don’t want to end up in a Colombian prison.

7. Keep your valuables separate – Never carry all of them together. When you’re going out for the day, leave some credit cards and cash in locked in your accommodation. That way, if you lose your wallet, you’ll still have cash and cards back at your hostel. Also keep some emergency funds in your main backpack too, just in case.

8. If the worst happens, just give the attacker your stuff – Handing over your things is much better than risking the alternative (trust me). If you have travel insurance, you’ll be able to get reimbursed (just be sure to save all of your receipts).

9 . Download the Prey app to your phone and laptop – If either device gets stolen, for a small fee you’ll be able to track it and remotely turn on your camera to photograph the thief (you can also wipe the data and message the thief too). The app is free to download and only costs $5 USD for additional support should you get robbed.

10. Buy travel insurance – If something does go wrong, you want to be sure you’re covered and someone has your back. Travel insurance can help you find medical treatment and give you money to buy replacements for what was stolen. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, especially in a country where petty crime is still a problem.


So, is Colombia Safe for Solo Travelers?

Colombia is safe for solo travelers. While petty crime is still a problem, as long as you don’t flaunt your valuables, you’ll likely not run into any problems. When you go out, only take what you need for the day and leave your other valuables in your hostel or hotel room.

If you’re not feeling comfortable, try to meet other travelers so you can explore together. That way you’ll never be alone and will avoid being a target for pickpockets and petty criminals.

At night, make sure you’re never traveling alone and that you have your ride home planned in advance. Don’t get into sketchy cabs. Avoid wandering around non-touristy areas at night and alone.

I never felt really unsafe in the country during the day or in public places. You’ll see locals with phones out and, generally, going about their life. It’s really at night that you have to be careful.

Is Colombia Safe for Solo Female Travelers?

While solo female travelers will want to take some extra precautions in Colombia, the country should definitely still be under consideration.

Whenever possible, avoid traveling alone — especially at night or in areas where there are not many people. Don’t flaunt any valuables, and avoid taking taxis alone at night. Always have a downloaded map and translator so you can find your way home or ask for help if you need it.

By taking some precautions and planning accordingly, solo female travelers will be able to have a rewarding time traveling Colombia. Just make sure to follow the advice and tips above!

Here are a couple of helpful posts on safety written by our solo female travel experts:


Is it Safe to Take a Taxi in Colombia?

Taxis are safe here, but always make sure you call your taxi in advance. Never get into a random vehicle. Even if it looks like a taxi, it might not be one. It’s always better to play it safe.

Get your hostel or accommodation to call a cab for you, or download a taxi app (Uber is in Medellín, Cali, and Bogotá) so you can order your own. Avoid taking taxis at night as well (especially as a solo female traveler).

Is the Food Safe in Colombia?

The food in Colombia is quite safe. Just make sure to avoid any food that’s been sitting out in the sun all day. Look for places with lots of patrons — that’s how you can tell the food is fresh and delicious.

Also, make sure any fruit you eat has a peel to avoid it getting contaminated.

If you’re a vegetarian or have other dietary concerns, you might be hard pressed to find food here, as most dishes are meat-based. Learn some basic phrases (or download Google Translate) to help you ask questions and find foods suitable for your diet.

Lastly, always wash your hands before you eat. That’s the best way to avoid getting sick!

Can You Drink the Tap Water in Colombia?

While improvements in water treatment are coming along, you can’t really drink the water outside of Bogotá and Medellín.

I’d suggest you travel with a Lifestraw or Steripen so you can purify water no matter where you are. That will help you save money and reduce your reliance on single-use plastic. Double win!

Should You Visit Colombia?

So, is Colombia safe?


While petty theft is a growing concern, the country has so much to offer the intrepid traveler. There is amazing nature, vibrant cities, a fun nightlife, and a growing community of entrepreneurs and digital nomads who call Colombia home.

It’s cheap and easy to navigate, and as long as you follow your instincts and use common sense, you will avoid trouble.

Even if you’re a solo female traveler, Colombia still has a lot to offer.

So, while my personal experience in Colombia didn’t end well, I am definitely planning on going back.

Because it’s just too amazing a place not to visit.

Just be sure to get travel insurance just in case something goes wrong. The past is not prologue and you always want to play it safe. Travel insurance was there when I lost my bag, broke my camera, and got knifed in Colombia. I never expected those things to happen and was glad I had insurance! You can use the widget below to look up the travel insurance policy that is right for you (or just click here to go to their website directly):


Book Your Trip to Colombia: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the best companies to save money with?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!

Looking for more information on visiting Colombia?
Check out my in-depth destination guide to Colombia with more tips on what to see, do, costs, ways to save, and much, much more!

The post Is Colombia Safe to Visit? appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

Is Southeast Asia Safe for Travelers?

A bright shot at night of tuk-tuks in Southeast Asia
Posted: 6/22/2019 | June 22nd, 2019

Southeast Asia is one of the most popular regions in the world for backpackers and budget travelers. It’s home to a well-worn travel trail that dates back to the 1960s and ’70s, stretching across Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Singapore.

I’ve been visiting the area regularly since 2004 (I even spent a few years living in Thailand). It really does have something for everyone: bustling cities, delicious food, spectacular diving, lots of outdoor activities, historic sites — the list goes on.

Best of all? It’s budget friendly!

But is Southeast Asia safe?

That’s a question I get asked often, especially by solo travelers (or their worried families).

Generally speaking, Southeast Asia is incredibly safe. In fact, it’s one of the safest regions in the world.

You aren’t going to really face any physical danger, and it’s rare to even get robbed or mugged. People are nice, respectful, and friendly.

That said, here’s everything you need to know to stay safe in Southeast Asia!


11 Ways to Stay Safe in Southeast Asia

Staying safe in Southeast Asia doesn’t take a lot of work. Southeast Asia is an incredibly safe place to backpack and travel – even if you’re traveling solo, and even as a solo female traveler. Violent attacks are rare. There are some common scams around, like the motorbike scam where vendors try to charge you for damage to their bike, but for the most part, this is a safe place to travel. People are nice and helpful and you’re unlikely to get into trouble. The people who do tend to be involved with drinking or drugs or sex tourism. Stay away from that stuff and you’ll be fine. That said, here are 11 ways to ensure nothing is going to happen on your trip:

1. Watch for purse-snatchers – Purse-snatching is rare, but it does happen. To avoid the most common types of theft, don’t wear your purse or bag over just one shoulder — instead, wear it across the front of your body. Also, many purse-snatchers will be on a scooter, so take particular caution when walking alongside traffic.

2. Be extra careful in traffic – Most injuries in Southeast Asia are caused by vehicles. Be especially careful walking in hectic cities like Hanoi or if you are driving (especially scooters).

3. Don’t do drugs – Drugs like marijuana are easily accessible in Southeast Asia (especially in party locations, like the Full Moon Party). But they are illegal! Fines are heavy — and if you get caught, expect to spend time in jail or pay a hefty bribe. Save yourself the hassle and don’t do any drugs while you’re in the region.

4. Wear a helmet – If you’re renting or riding a scooter or motorbike, be sure to wear a helmet. Also wear proper clothing and footwear. I’ve seen a lot of road rash during my time in Southeast Asia!

5. Look out for bedbugs – Unfortunately, bedbugs are a reality in Southeast Asia. Though rare, you will likely encounter them at some point if you’re traveling around the region for any length of time. Always check your accommodation in advance. If it looks dirty, simply move on. Also, never put your backpack on your bed. That way, if the bed is contaminated, at least your backpack won’t also be contaminated.

6. Bring a lock – While theft in dorm rooms is rare, you don’t want to take any chances. Hostels almost always have lockers available. Bring a lock so you can store your possessions safely while you’re out and about.

7. Hide your valuables – When you’re out exploring, keep your wallet and valuables hidden in your backpack (or leave them loved up in your accommodation). Carry some cash in your pockets, but keep your cards and other valuables out of reach. Most theft is opportunistic, so if you’re vigilant, you’ll have nothing to worry about!

8. Don’t party solo – Make sure if you’re out partying that you do it with friends or people you can trust. Don’t get so drunk that you can’t get home safely. (If you’re taking part in the Full Moon Party in Thailand, you can find specific safety tips in this blog post.)

9. Keep your passport – Never give away your passport as a deposit when booking things like accommodation or rentals. Always make sure you get it back, or else you might not see it again. (And be sure to keep a digital scan of your passport in your email inbox just in case.)

10. Stay away from animals – Stray dogs (as well as monkeys) often carry diseases, such as rabies (which can be fatal). To avoid getting bitten, don’t pet stray dogs or wild monkeys.

11. Buy travel insurance – While Southeast Asia is generally safe, unexpected incidents can still occur. Cover yourself by buying travel insurance. It has the potential to save you thousands of dollars while also giving you peace of mind. I never leave home without it!

5 Common Scams in Southeast Asia

While Southeast Asia is generally quite safe, there are still a few common travel scams. Here are four of the most common scams — and how you can avoid getting fooled by them!

1. The Taxi/Tuk-tuk Overcharge
This is one of the most common travel scams out there — you’ll encounter it all across Southeast Asia. Either the driver will tell you the taxi meter is broken and try to charge you a high rate, or you’ll see the cost on the meter skyrocket faster than Superman!

For tuk-tuks, you’ll need to negotiate in advance, because drivers will quote a price much higher than what the ride should cost. To avoid being ripped off, you’ll first need to know how much your ride should cost. The best way to figure this out is to ask your hostel or hotel staff for a quote so you have a frame of reference (or google it, if you’re just arriving).

If the driver tries to negotiate the rate with you, offer them the correct rate. If they refuse, just leave and find someone who will put the meter on. (Then, if the meter seems to be going up too quickly, have them pull over and get out.)

Many tourism boards let you report bad cab drivers, so be sure to always make a mental note of their ID number when you get in the cab.

2. Motorbike Scam
Southeast Asia is a great place to rent a scooter or motorcycle and get off the beaten path. But there is a common scam you’ll want to be aware of.

Here’s how it goes: You’ll rent a bike and then when you bring it back, the owner will demand additional payment or expensive repairs because there is some “damage” you didn’t know about. Sometimes the owner will send someone to mess with the bike or steal it so you have to pay.

To avoid this, take photos of the bike first to document any previous damage. Go around it with the owner so they know what you are taking pictures of.

Once you rent it, use your own lock and keep the bike out of sight and off main streets when you park it.

Also, always make sure you buy travel insurance so you can make a claim if there is an issue.

3. Your Attraction is Closed for Lunch
I admit, I have fallen for this one before. A friendly local will approach you and inform you that the attraction you want to visit (often a temple) is closed for any number of reasons (religious ceremony, holiday, etc.).

They’ll then try to guide you to a different attraction (or often a shop), where you’re heavily pressured to purchase something or pay a high admission price.

To avoid this scam, be sure to ask your accommodation staff before you leave to confirm that the attraction is open. Then find the main entrance or ticket counter and see for yourself. Opening and closing times are almost always available online too, so you can often look them up just to be safe.

Generally speaking, most attractions in Southeast Asia don’t close for lunch. They either close for the day or not at all.

4. The Drug Deal Gone Bad
This scam is common anywhere there is a party in Southeast Asia. You’ll be in a popular tourist area (usually a party place) and someone will offer you drugs.

If you say yes, before you know it, a real cop is will be on the scene! They’ll insist that they are going to arrest you unless you can pay a hefty fine right there (i.e., a bribe).

Caught red-handed, you’ll probably pay the bribe rather than go to jail. Simply put: Don’t buy drugs in other countries!

5. The Taxi Scam
Only use taxis that use a meter. If the meter is rigged or they refuse to use it, just get out and find a new taxi (more on this below!).

Is the Food Safe in Southeast Asia?

If the food weren’t safe here, I’d likely never come back. Street food is almost always safe (it’s important to the cultures of the locals). In fact, it’s usually more safe than restaurants, because the operation is so simple and the turnover so fast.

When looking for somewhere to eat, find a place with a crowd, as well as one with children — if parents think it’s safe for the kids, then it’s safe for you! Anywhere with a lot of people (specifically locals) is a good indicator that the food is both good and safe.

Be sure to wash your hands before eating (hand sanitizer is good for that), as you’ll likely have been out and about all day and may have picked up all sorts of germs.


Can You Drink the Tap Water in Southeast Asia?

The tap water in Southeast Asia will vary from country to country, but as a general rule I would not recommend you drink the water unless you have a water purifier like the Lifestraw or Steripen.


Are Taxis Safe in Southeast Asia?

Taxis in Southeast Asia are safe — but they also have a reputation for overcharging (see above) or taking longer routes to dive up the fare.

Always make sure your driver is using the meter (and that the meter is not moving overly quickly). If you encounter a problem, simply get out and find a new taxi.

A better option is Grab or Uber (depending on where you are). You’ll be able to see your driver, track your ride, and make complaints if you have a problem. It’s the best way to get around, when available.


Is Southeast Asia Safe for Solo Travelers?

Southeast Asia is one of the best places in the world for solo travelers. There are tons visiting the region each and every year, many of them traveling solo for the first time (it’s great for both new and veteran travelers alike).

With a little common sense, a solo traveler won’t have to worry much about safety here. There is a well-worn backpacker trail, so you’ll never be far from other travelers. That means it’s easy to meet people in case you decide you’d rather travel in a group for some (or all) of your trip.


Is Southeast Asia Safe for Solo Female Travelers?

Female travelers have additional safety concerns they need to be aware of. That being said, Southeast Asia is still one of the best (and most safe) regions for solo female travel.

By following the tips above, as well as the same precautions you’d take at home (such as not wandering alone at night intoxicated, keeping an eye on your drink while at the bar, etc.), a solo female traveler will be able to have an amazing visit to Southeast Asia without worrying too much about her safety.

And as mentioned above, with so many solo travelers — including many women — in the region, it’s easy to find others to spend time with in case you’re feeling insecure or unsafe.


Should You Visit Southeast Asia?

So, is Southeast Asia safe?


It’s super unlikely that anything will happen. And even less so if you follow the advice listed above.

Be sure to get travel insurance just in case something goes wrong. The past is not prologue and you always want to play it safe. Travel insurance was there when I lost my bag, broke my camera, and popped an eardrum while diving in Thailand. I never expected those things to happen and was glad I had insurance! You can use the widget below to look up the travel insurance policy that is right for you (or just click here to go to their website directly):


Book Your Trip to Southeast Asia: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe, so you always know no stone is being left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewher eother than a hotel, use, as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time. Some suggested places to stay in the region are:

  • Golden Mountain Hostel (Bangkok) – This is a new hostel with dorm beds built into the wall for added privacy. Each room sleeps eight people and the décor is super beautiful and well thought out. The mattresses are soft too!
  • Sla Boutique Hostel (Phnom Penh) – This is a nicer hostel that’s well designed and great for meeting like-minded travelers. The staff are super helpful and it’s located near lots of bars, attractions, and restaurants (but the hostel itself is pretty quiet).
  • Coral Hostel (Singapore) – With all day breakfast, fast Wi-Fi, and AC, this is a great choice for the budget-savvy traveler. Everything is new and clean, and they also have female-only dorms.
  • Kememai Hostel (Ubud) – This hostel is small and cheap, but the staff are friendly and it has everything you need for a comfy budget stay.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it, as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the best companies to save money with?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use — and I think they will help you too!

Looking for more information on visiting Southeast Asia?
Check out my in-depth destination guide to Southeast Asia with more tips on what to see and do, costs, ways to save, and much, much more!

The post Is Southeast Asia Safe for Travelers? appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

Announcing My Summer Book Tour

driving down a road with tall trees hanging overhead
Posted: 6/19/2019 | June 19th, 2019

Last month, I announced the release of my next book, Ten Years a Nomad: A Traveler’s Journey Home.

It’s about how I became a traveler, my life as a backpacker, all the lessons I learned, and what those lessons mean for travelers. It features stories I’ve never told and goes deeper into my philosophy on travel than I ever have on this blog.

This book follows the “emotional” journey of a trip around the world: getting the bug, the planning, setting off, the highs, the lows, the friends, what happens when you come back — and the lessons and advice that come with all that.

And the early reviews have been pretty good!

Ten years a nomad book cover“In his heartfelt explanation and exploration, Matt runs through just why he’s been out there, backpacking the world for 10 years. By the end we’ve definitely realized, like Matt, how important travel is and how getting out there, on the road, can make you, me and the world a better place. It’s a great pity certain people at the very top of the world’s power pyramid never had just a little taste of the nomadic experience.” – Tony Wheeler, founder of Lonely Planet

“Throughout his ruminations on how travel affected him, Kepnes interweaves his tales of friends, girlfriends, and great loves discovered among exotic backdrops and how starting a blog ( about his adventures altered the way he traveled. His story is one of heartbreak, self-discovery, and the constant travel itch he had to scratch in order to become the man he was supposed to be. An entertaining, quick read by a man who did what many of us only dream about.” – Kirkus Book Reviews

10 Years a Nomad book review

The book comes out July 16th and I’ll be doing a book tour across the United States and Canada over the course of the summer!

If you want to join the book tour, here are our dates:

Ten Years a Nomad Book Tour

July 16 New York, NY: The Strand Bookstore @ 7pm EVENT DETAILS
July 17 Boston, MA: The Harvard Coop @ 7pm EVENT DETAILS
July 18 Philadelphia, PA: Penn Book Center @ 6:30pm EVENT DETAILS
July 22 Washington DC: Politics and Prose at the Wharf @ 7pm EVENT DETAILS
July 23 Miami, FL: Books & Books @ 8pm EVENT DETAILS
July 31 Chicago, IL: City Lit Books @ 6:30pm EVENT DETAILS
August 5 Austin, TX: Book People @ 7pm EVENT DETAILS
August 6 Houston, TX: Brazos Bookstore @ 6:30pm EVENT DETAILS
August 7 Denver, CO: Tattered Cover – Historic Lodo @ 7pm EVENT DETAILS
August 8 San Diego, CA: Warwick’s @ 7:30pm EVENT DETAILS
August 12 Los Angeles, CA: The Last Bookstore @ 7:30pm EVENT DETAILS
August 14 Portland, OR: Powell’s Books at Cedar Hills Crossing @ 7:30pm EVENT DETAILS
August 15 San Francisco, CA: Book Passage at Corte Madera @ 7pm EVENT DETAILS
August 16 Seattle, WA: Third Place Books @ 6pm EVENT DETAILS

Hope to see you on the tour! It’s my first one in over four years and I’m very excited about it. It’s going to be a whirlwind!

And, as a reminder, I’m doing a pre-sale bonus so if you order the book in advance you can get free copies of my other books, one-on-one travel planning advice, free attendance at TravelCon, blogging courses, free hostel stays and flights, and more!

The packages are listed below. All you need to do to claim your bonuses is email me a copy of your receipt at

The Basic Package (cost: $18, value: $48)
Purchase one copy of the book and get:

  • How to Build a Travel Blog ebook (value: $9.99)
  • The Ultimate Guide to Travel Hacking ebook (value: $9.99)
  • 27 Ways to Be a Master Traveler PDF (value: $5)
  • 50 Inspiring Travel Books and Movies PDF (value: $5)

***BEST VALUE*** The Tenner (cost: $182, value: $794)
Buy 10 copies of my book and get ALL THE ABOVE plus:

  • My 12 city and country guides (value: $150)
  • A signed copy of my book How to Travel the World on $50 a Day (value: $15)
  • A 15-minute planning call with me (ask me anything)! (value: $200)
  • The Business of Blogging course (value: $199)

The Bullseye (cost: $900, value: $2,493)
Buy 50 copies of my book and get ALL THE ABOVE plus:

  • One ticket to TravelCon in Boston (value: $399)
  • A 30-minute planning call with me (ask me anything)! (value: $400)

SUPER BONUS! The Centennial (cost: $1,800, value: $7,193)
Buy 100 copies of my book and get ALL THE ABOVE plus:

  • Lunch on me! I’ll come to your city and we’ll have lunch on me! (limited to those in the United States and Canada) (value: $2,000)
  • Round-trip airfare to TravelCon in Boston (from within the US and Canada) (value: $500)
  • One additional ticket to TravelCon in Boston (value: $399)

Conversely, if you’re not a blogger and don’t care about TravelCon, you’ll get four nights at any hostel in the United States and one round-trip domestic airfare.

SUPER BONUS! The Big Kahuna (cost: $4,500, value: $19,293)
Buy 250 copies of my book and get ALL THE ABOVE plus:

  • I’ll come to speak at your event for free! (value: $5,000)
  • You’ll be flown to NYC (from within the US and Canada) the book launch party, put up in a hotel for two nights, and get dinner with me! (value: $3,000)

Note: All digital bonuses will be sent when you send the receipt. Travel arrangements will be worked out between you and me and are valid for six months after purchase (i.e., you have to make a booking by then).

Order the book today, get your bonuses, and share your love of travel!

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Want to Help Me Spread the Word About This Book?

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Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the best companies to save money with?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and that will save you time and money too!

The post Announcing My Summer Book Tour appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

The 5 Best Travel Insurance Companies

A lone commercial airliner flying over Australia
Last Updated: 6/7/21 | June 7th, 2021

Planning a trip can be a lot of fun: researching amazing bucket-list activities, daydreaming about picture-perfect beaches and epic hikes, booking the cheap flights that will take you to the world’s most amazing destinations. Planning gives you ownership of your trip and lets you imagine all the wonderful adventures you’ll have.

What is significantly less fun (yet equally important) is searching for the right travel insurance plan for your trip.

Reading through the fine print, searching out reviews you can trust, picking the best plan — it can be a little tedious.

It can also be a little overwhelming.

There are hundreds of companies out there, all offering seemingly similar plans. But they all have different prices too. Which one is the best? Which review is right?

To help you figure it all out, I wanted to share my thoughts on the best travel insurance companies on the market. I’ve been backpacking since 2004 and researching companies for a living since 2007. I’ve spent a lot of time reading the fine print. (Have you ever read NY’s insurance compliance laws? Well, don’t.)

To save you time, I’ve compiled a list of the best travel insurance companies. Whether you’re heading south to escape from work or traveling abroad on a round-the-world trip, this list will help you find a company that works for you and your budget.

Table of Contents

  1. Best overall insurance: World Nomads
  2. Second best overall: Safety Wing
  3. Best company for medical evacuation: Medjet
  4. Best company for older travelers: Insure My Trip
  5. Best company for expats: IMGlobal
  6. Honorable Mention: Your travel credit card


OUR TOP PICK: World Nomads

World Nomads insurance logoI’ve been using World Nomads since I started traveling. Their plans are comprehensive and perfect for travelers visiting more than one country in a single trip.

This company is great for adventurous travelers who plan to do things like hiking, kayaking, canoeing, and even some extreme sports like rock climbing or bungy jumping. With 200 different activities covered, World Nomads is the best choice for active travelers.

Here’s a quick overview of World Nomads:

  • Emergency medical and dental coverage
  • Coverage for trip cancelations, delays, and interruptions
  • Coverage up to age 69 (depending on where you’re from)
  • Baggage protection
  • Emergency evacuation (for medical emergencies and non-medical emergencies such as natural disasters)
  • Medical transportation
  • 24/7 customer assistance
  • Coverage for some COVID-19 medical costs


  • Comprehensive customer assistance
  • Tiers for basic and premium coverage
  • Can submit a claim after your trip ends
  • Offers some COVID coverage
  • Everything can be done via the website
  • Trusted by brands like Lonely Planet, Eurail, and Intrepid Travel


  • Claims paid by check
  • No car rental coverage on the Standard Plan

This is my go-to insurance company and one I’ve been using for years. It was founded by backpackers, so they keep people who travel long-term in mind in their plans and customer service. They also offer the most trip cancellation, interruption, and delay coverage out there — more so than other companies we looked at.

Prices vary based on your age and country of residency, as well as where you’re going and for how long. As a general rule, a one-month policy costs around $120 USD for the Standard Plan. However, that drops to $105 USD for multi-month trips.

While World Nomads is pretty pricey compared to other companies listed here, they cover a lot more things than those companies. With them, really get what you pay for — and that is very comprehensive coverage. That’s why I like them. If you want comprehensive coverage (especially for your get), get World Nomads.

You can use the widget below to get a quote:

(Want to learn more? Check out my comprehensive World Nomads review!)

Safety Wing

Safety Wing insurance logoSafety Wing is one of the new players in the travel insurance world. It’s a Norwegian startup based out of California that is specifically focused on remote workers and digital nomads.

Here’s a quick overview of Safety Wing:

  • Offers affordable monthly plans with a deductible
  • Plans can be purchased at home before you go or abroad after you’ve departed
  • Claims can be filed online
  • After being abroad for 90 days, you keep your medical coverage for 30 days in your home country
  • Up to 2 children under 10 per family (1 per adult) can be included on your plan free of charge
  • Up to $5,000 USD for trip interruption (with no deductible)
  • Best for digital nomads and frugal travelers

Its plans are cheap but basic. It’s nice that they offer a flat monthly rate (based on coverage and age), but there is a $250 USD medical deductible you’ll have to pay.

Plus, electronics such as phones, laptops, and cameras are not covered, and in this day and age, that’s just crazy. (If the items are checked luggage and are lost/stolen, you can get reimbursed up to $500 USD per item, but who ever checks their expensive items?)


  • Super affordable
  • Offers some COVID-19 coverage
  • Backed by a single insurance company
  • Covers up to age 69


  • Expensive deductible
  • No trip cancellation coverage (and only minor trip delay coverage)
  • Payout by check and wire transfer only (no direct deposit)
  • Limited coverage for your gear and adventure activities

Safety Wing is a good option for anyone traveling on a tight budget who just needs basic coverage. If you want some medical coverage, don’t care about your electronics or robust trip cancellation or interruption, and just want an inexpensive plan, Safety Wing is probably best for you.

Monthly plans start at $40 USD per month, plus a $250 USD deductible. If you just want basic “I just want to be covered for the big stuff” coverage, this company is it.

Note: If you will be traveling in the USA, monthly plans cost $73 USD per month.


Medjet insurance logoMedjet is the premier membership program for medical transportation. Its extensive plans focus on crisis response and emergency transportation, and it has amazing staff on hand to help you through it all.

While many insurance companies will just evacuate you to the nearest hospital in an emergency, Medjet goes above and beyond to ensure that you’re repatriated (i.e. sent back to the country you live in) and not stuck in a foreign medical facility away from your friends and family.

There are both short-term and annual plans, too, so no matter what your travel plans are, you’ll be able to find the affordable coverage that you need.

Here’s a quick overview of Medjet:

  • Extensive medical transport coverage that will get you home
  • Allows you to determine to which medical facility to be moved
  • Does not require government-issued warnings to initiate evacuation
  • Medical transfer available in the US as well as abroad
  • Limited time spent in foreign medical facilities
  • Both short-term and annual plans
  • Available for residents of the US, Canada, and Mexico


  • Will get you home (not just to the nearest “acceptable” medical facility)
  • Affordable annual plans
  • Two tiers of coverage: basic and premium plans
  • Offers some coverage for COVID-19
  • Offers coverage up to age 74 (with potential extended coverage to 84)


  • Only available to North American travelers (US, Canada, Mexico)
  • No trip cancellation, trip delay, or baggage coverage

Medjet is the perfect company for anyone looking to avoid time spent in foreign medical facilities should an emergency or crisis occur. It’s a great supplement to more basic travel insurance plans, especially if you’re worried about being transportated home.

Annual plans start as low as $295 USD per person.

Insure My Trip

IMT insurance logoInsure My Trip isn’t actually an insurance company that issues its own plans. Rather, it recommends plans and helps you compare prices so you can buy the plan that’s best for you. Think of it as a Skyscanner but for travel insurance.

With Insure My Trip, you can compare plans from 23 different insurance providers. It’s a great company for senior travelers since many of the providers on the service offer coverage for those over 65. Moreover, they offer “cancel for any reason” insurance, so, if you cancel your trip for any reason, even ones not listed under regular policies, you’ll get a percentage of your trip back.

Here’s a quick overview of Insure My Trip:

  • Guaranteed low prices
  • Coverage for senior travelers over 65
  • “Anytime advocates” ask the insurer to give your claim a second look if you think it was unfairly denied.
  • Comparisons from 23 different companies to ensure you get the best plan
  • Accommodation coverage if quarantined at your destination
  • Reviews of each policy so you can see what other travelers are saying
  • Coverage for travelers on cruises


  • Tons of plans available
  • Options for senior travelers
  • Assistance with denied claims
  • Offers “cancel for any reason” plans


  • Since it’s is a third-party service, you’re dealing with a middleman.

Since Insure My Trip is an aggregator, prices will vary based on your trip destination, country of residency, and travel plans.


IMG insurance logoIMGlobal provides insurance plans that are more akin to your standard US health insurance. It has comprehensive coverage for long-term travelers, plans for non-US citizens, and affordable plans for visitors to the US as well. Its plans cover single- and multi-destination trips.

I think this company is the best for expats and long-term travelers looking for a robust insurance plan that covers regular doctor visits, medication, and other routine care. Most travel insurance plans are emergency care plans, whereas IMGlobal is there for the everyday visits and the emergencies.

They offer three plans for US residents and three for non-US residents. (If you’re coming to the US, your plan also covers COVID coverage.)


  • Plans for students business travelers, and immigrants
  • Available for non-US citizens
  • Can make claims even after your coverage ends
  • Can choose your own coverage limits
  • Available with deductibles or not — it’s your choice
  • Certain acute pre-exisiting conditions are covered up to age 69
  • Up to $10,000 USD for trip interruption


  • Minimal coverage for lost/damaged baggage
  • No trip cancellation coverage
  • No coverage for rental cars on their main travel plans

Plan prices vary a lot since you can choose your coverage as well as your deductible (your out-of-pocket expense before the plan covers everything). You can pick coverage from $25,000 USD to $8,000,000 and deductibles from $0 to $25,000. The lower the coverage and higher the deductible, the cheaper price will be.

For a standard policy with $100,000 coverage and no deductible, you’re looking at $45 USD per month. This policy would be comparable to SafetyWing, but less comprehensive than World Nomads. For something with more coverage, expect to spend at least $75 USD per month.

Honorable Mention: Credit Card Coverage

While not the most comprehensive, many travel credit cards include some degree of travel insurance. Coverage is often limited and might only apply to trips or items purchased with the card. And there may be limited dates of coverage too.

However, something is better than nothing!

That said, while it can be tempting to go for a free insurance plan from your credit card company, their plans are usually not that comprehensive and have minimal coverage and/or limited compensation. These free plans are best used as supplemental coverage in addition to a plan from one of the companies above.

But it’s always great to have options (especially free ones). Be sure to learn more about the best travel credit cards before your next trip (you’ll have to read the fine print).

Note: If you’re traveling with a lot of expensive gear and electronics and want to be sure you’re covered, consider a policy from Clements. While its coverage isn’t as convenient to purchase as the companies above (you need to order a quote via email or phone), it has higher coverage available for gear and electronics if you think you’ll need it.


Nobody plans on getting hurt when they travel. And in a perfect world, we wouldn’t. But we all know that this isn’t a perfect world.

My bags were stolen when I was traveling in South Africa.

I popped my eardrum while diving in Thailand.

And I was even stabbed while backpacking in Colombia.

Obviously, I didn’t plan for any of these things to happen.

But they did.

And I was lucky I had travel insurance to help me cover the costs. So, before you head out on your next trip, make sure that you’re covered. Invest in your own safety and peace of mind. I promise you, it’s worth the money!

How to Travel the World on $50 a Day

Nomadic Matt's How to Travel the World on $50 a DayMy New York Times best-selling paperback guide to world travel will teach you how to master the art of travel so that you’ll get off the beaten path, save money, and have a deeper travel experience. It’s your A to Z planning guide that the BBC called the “bible for budget travelers.”

Click here to learn more and start reading it today!

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Ready to Book Your Trip?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel. I list all the ones I use when I travel. They are the best in class and you can’t go wrong using them on your trip.

The post The 5 Best Travel Insurance Companies appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

The 7 Best Travel Insurance Companies in 2019

A lone commercial airliner flying over Australia
Posted: 6/17/2019 | June 17th, 2019

Planning a trip can be a lot of fun. Researching amazing bucket list activities, daydreaming about picture-perfect beaches and epic hikes, booking the cheap flights that will take you to the world’s most amazing destinations — it’s the fun part of planning. It gives you ownership of your trip and lets you imagine all the amazing adventures you’ll get into.

What is significantly less fun (yet equally important) is searching for the right travel insurance plan for your trip.

Reading through the fine print, searching out reviews you can trust, picking the best plan — it can all be a little tedious.

And if you’re a new traveler, it can also be a little overwhelming.

There are hundreds of companies out there – all offering the “same” plans. They all have different prices too. Which one is the best? Which review is right?

To help you stay safe during your next trip, I wanted to share my thoughts on the best travel insurance companies on the market. I’ve been backpacking since 2004 and researching companies for a living since 2007. I’ve spent a lot of time reading the fine print (have you ever read NY’s insurance compliance laws? Well, don’t.)

To save you time, I’ve compiled a list of the best travel insurance companies. Whether you’re heading south to escape from work or traveling abroad on a round-the-world trip, this list will help you find a company that works for your trip – and your budget.

Table of Contents

  1. Best overall insurance: World Nomads
  2. Best company for medical evacuation: Medjet
  3. Best company for older travelers: Insure My Trip
  4. Best company for students: STA
  5. Best company for expats: IMGlobal
  6. Best supplemental coverage: Clements
  7. Honorable Mention: Your travel credit card


OUR TOP PICK: World Nomads

I’ve been using World Nomads for the past decade and have never been disappointed. Their plans are comprehensive and great for travelers visiting more than one country in a single trip. It’s easy to read their policies and see what’s covered (and what isn’t), and their customer service is top notch. And if you want to learn more before you purchase or have questions after you sign up, their customer support is there to help.

This company is perfect for adventurous travelers who plan to do things like hiking, kayaking or canoeing, and even some extreme sports like rock climbing bungee jumping. With 100 different activities are covered, World Nomads is the best choice for the active traveler.

Here’s a quick overview:

  • Emergency medical and dental coverage
  • Coverage for trip cancelations, delays, and interruptions
  • Baggage protection
  • Emergency evacuation (for medical emergencies and non-medical emergencies such as natural disasters)
  • Medical transportation
  • 24/7 customer assistance

They are the perfect company if you’re a backpacker or long term traveler. The company was founded by backpackers so they keep people who travel long term in mind in their plans and customer service. This is my go-to insurance company and one I’ve been using for years. If it sounds like the company for you, you can use the widget below to get a quote:

(Want to learn more? Check out my comprehensive World Nomads review!)


Medjet is the premier membership program for medical transportation. Their extensive plans focus on crisis response and emergency transportation and they have amazing staff on hand to help you through it all.

While many insurance companies will just evacuate you to the nearest hospital in an emergency, MedJet goes above and beyond to ensure that you’re repatriated and not stuck in a foreign medical facility away from your friends and family.

They have both short-term and annual plans, too, so no matter what your travel plans are you’ll be able to find the affordable coverage that you need.

Here’s a quick overview of MedJet:

  • Extensive medical transport coverage
  • Limited time spent in foreign medical facilities
  • Both short-term and annual plans
  • Available for residents of the US, Canada, and Mexico

Medjet is the perfect company for anyone looking to avoid time spent in foreign medical facilities should an emergency or crisis occur.

Insure My Trip

Insure My Trip isn’t actually an insurance company that issues its own plans. Rather, they recommend plans and help you compare prices so you can buy the plan that’s best for you.

With Insure My Trip, you can compare plans from almost 30 different insurance providers. They are the go-to company for senior travelers as well, since many travel insurance companies won’t cover travelers over 65. Insure My Trip provides comparisons from insurance companies that cover older travelers, making them the best option for retirees and other senior adventurers.

Here’s a quick overview of Insure My Trip:

  • Guaranteed low prices
  • Coverage for senior travelers over 65
  • “Anytime advocates” ask the insurer to give your claim a second look if you think it was unfairly denied.
  • Comparisons from 28 different companies to ensure you get the best plan

Insure My Trip is the best choice for older travelers looking for comprehensive coverage over the age of 65.


STA is an online travel agency that is known for its flights and travel packages. But they also sell affordable travel insurance too. STA provides budget-friendly plans for students and teachers, offering coverage for as little as $99 USD for 1 year.

It’s the best choice for anyone studying abroad or teaching overseas. You’ll also get an ISIC card, which includes tons of additional perks and discounts!

Here’s a quick overview of STA Travel Insurance:

  • Budget-friendly plans
  • ISIC card benefits in over 125,000 locations
  • Basic coverage options
  • Great for students/shoestring backpackers.

STA is the best choice for student travelers and teachers working overseas who only need basic travel insurance coverage.


IMGlobal provides insurance plans that are more akin to your standard US health insurance. They have comprehensive coverage for long-term travelers, plans for non-US citizens, and affordable plans for visitors to the US as well. They have basic plans for students and budget-conscious travelers as well as more robust plans for families and expats.

Their plans cover single trips; however, they also have multi-trip plans for travelers heading out on more than one trip per year.

Here’s a quick overview of IMGlobal:

  • Best for expats and long-term travelers
  • The closest option to normal US health insurance
  • Available for non-US residents
  • 16 different plans to choose from

IMGlobal is the best insurance company for expats and long-term travelers who want coverage beyond medical emergencies.


Clements focuses on insurance coverage for expats as well as coverage for high-end gear (such as laptops, smartphones, and cameras). Many travel insurance companies only provide minimal coverage for your expensive electronics, which means you’ll have to pay a lot of money out of pocket to replace them should they get lost, damaged, or stolen while you’re abroad. They also offer plans with low or no deductibles so you can rest assured that, should the worst happen, you can replace your valuables without breaking the bank.

Here’s a quick overview of Clements:

  • High-end electronics coverage
  • Low (or no) deductibles
  • Premium plans with unlimited coverage
  • Available both inside and outside of the US

Clements is the best insurance option for anyone traveling with expensive electronics who need comprehensive coverage.

Honorable Mention: Credit Card Coverage

While not the most comprehensive, many travel credit cards will include some degree of travel insurance. Coverage is often limited and might only apply to trips or items purchased with the card. And there may be limited dates of coverage too.

However, something is better than nothing! But while it can be tempting to go for a free insurance plan from your credit card company, their plans are usually not that comprehensive and have minimal coverage and/or limited compensation. These free plans are best used as supplemental coverage in addition to a plan from one of the companies above.

But it’s always great to have options (especially free ones). Be sure to learn more about the best travel credit cards before your next trip (you’ll have to read the fine print).


Nobody plans on getting hurt when they travel. And in a perfect world, we wouldn’t. But we all know that this isn’t a perfect world.

My bags were stolen when I was traveling in South Africa.

I popped my eardrum while diving in Thailand.

And I was even stabbed while backpacking in Colombia.

Obviously, I didn’t plan for any of these things to happen.

But they did.

And I was lucky I had travel insurance to help me cover the costs. So before you head out on your next trip, make sure that you’re covered. Invest in your own safety and peace of mind. I promise you, it’s worth the money.

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the best companies to save money with?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and that will save you time and money too!

The post The 7 Best Travel Insurance Companies in 2019 appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.